English Collection


downward dog

2023年08月24日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 7月号の記事 "Game On!" (副題 Research offers new hopa for beating pesky joint pain )からの引用です。

You might be in yoga class when you first feel it. When did downward dog get so hard on the wrists? Or it could be at your weekly tennis game that you notice your knees screaming at you whenever you pivot.

"downward dog" はヨガのポーズの一種の様ですが、辞書に説明があるでしょうか?

・Wiktionary: (yoga) Short for downward-facing dog.とあるので 'downward-facing dog' を見ると: A pose whereby the hands and feet are placed on the floor and the hips raised, creating an inverted V-shape.: From downward-facing dog, stretch forward onto the toes and hands.

百科事典 Wikipedia の説明を抜粋します。
Downward Dog stretches the hamstring and calf muscles in the backs of the legs, and builds strength in the shoulders. Some popular sites have advised against it during pregnancy, but an experimental study of pregnant women found it beneficial.

私は身体の固いのでヨガは全くやる気はありませんが、このポーズ "downward dog" なら出来そうです。
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