English Collection



2024年03月26日 | 英単語
Yasuo Uchidaの "The Togakushi Legend Murders" を読んでいます。
It was even darker beyond the door, the only light coming from a sacred taper and cedar sticks burning on two alters, but they dimly illuminated the shrine maiden.

"taper" の意味は知らないわけではありませんが、想像力が乏しいのでここでの意味は分かりません。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a long, thin candle: She lit the gas with a taper.
・Collins Dictionary: A taper is a long, thin candle or a thin wooden strip that is used for lighting fires.
・Vocabulary.com: As a noun, taper refers to a shape that narrows at one end, and it's also another word for a candle that is smaller at one end than the other.

なるほど、細いロウソクですね。そう言えば "taper" のあるロウソクも見たことがあります。
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