English Collection


liveried coachman

2024年03月04日 | 英単語
Kazuo Ishiguroの "The Unconsoled" を読んでいます。

And my mother and my father would be peering out of the carriage window, on their faces the first traces of excited anticipation, but also something guarded and reserved, a reluctance to give in completely to the hope that the evening would turn out a glittering triumph. And then, as the liveried coachman hurried to help them down, and a line of dignitaries formed to greet them, they would adopt the wilfully calm smiles I recalled from my childhood, from those rare occasions when my parents invited guests to the house for lunch or dinner.

"liveried" の意味を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: A liveried servant is one who wears a special uniform.: The tea was served to guests by liveried footmen.
・Wiktionary: dressed in livery, uniformed, especially of a servant or a chauffeur.
・Dictionary.com: clad in livery, as servants: a liveried footman.

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