English Collection



2016年09月26日 | 英語の本を読む

GrishamのThe Brethrenを読んでいます。
Early in his Senate career, Britt, a fiscal hard-liner, had grabbed a headline or two by criticizing CIA wastefulness. Teddy Maynard said not a word, but certainly didn't appreciate the grandstanding.
上の引用文最後に出てきた "grandstanding" は文脈からすると、日本語でも使われるスタンドプレイ(和製英語?)の意味と同じ様です。
"grandstanding" を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (pejorative) ostentatious behaviour or speech intended to impress people ⇒ Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.
"grandstand" で辞書を見ると:
・Oxford English Dictionary: (usually as noun grandstanding) (derogatory) Seek to attract applause or favorable attention from spectators or the media: they accused him of political grandstanding
・Vocabulary.com: perform ostentatiously in order to impress the audience and with an eye to the applause: She never misses a chance to grandstand
"standplay" も "standingplay" も英英辞書には載っていないので、スタンドプレイはやはり和製英語と断定してよさそうだ。

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