English Collection



2024年09月03日 | 英単語
Donald Keen氏訳の人間失格, "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

(At the time I didn't think that the jelly tasted bad, and I was really grateful for the old woman's kindness. It is true that I dread poverty, but I do not believe I ever have despised it.) The jelly and the way Horiki rejoiced over it taught me a lesson in the parsimoniousness of the city-dweller, and in what it is really like in a Tokyo household where the members divide their lives so sharply between what they do at home and what they do on the outside.

"parsimoniousness" は以前7/14/2014に "parsimonious" を、2/15/2013に "parsimony" を取り上げました。渋柿も捨てないで食べるような倹約家を連想して覚えましたが、柿は "persimmon" なので、関係はないですね。
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