English Collection


rake over the coals

2024年07月22日 | 英単語
宮部みゆきのの小説 "The Devil's Whisper" を読み始めました。

"Even if they were out spending money, it doesn't mean they stole it."
"That's right. All you kids have jobs these days. I think there are still rules aginst that." Iwamoto glared at Mamoru again, and Mamoru hung his head. "But they broke the rules of the school and of the basketball club. I got all the club members together and raked them over the coals. When you have freshmen breaking the rules like that it leads to things like lost money.

"raked them over the coals" は文脈からすると叱ったの意味のイデオムでしょうが、この石炭は燃えているのでしょうね。

・Merriam-Webster: to criticize (someone) very severely: The government was then raked over the coals for refusing to send out information about the candidates.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To scold, reprimand, or reprove one severely for an error or mistake.: I was raked over the coals by my boss last week for messing up the accounting software.
・Oxford English Dictionary: to criticize somebody severely because they have done something wrong: I was hauled over the coals by my boss for being late.

最後に引用した辞書の用例の様に "rake" の代わりに "haul" を使った "haul one over the coals" とも言うようです。
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2024年07月20日 | 英単語
The Japan Times, June 16の記事から引用します。

Japan’s gamified environment apps target a greener mindset
Gamification, which sees game-like elements and principles applied to other contexts with the aim of boosting user engagement, has manifested itself in productivity apps, exercise trackers and language-learning tools. When you earn a digital badge, “streak” or other little emblems of progress, that is gamification in action — a proven motivator for shifting behavior.

記事タイトルにある "gamified" を最初に見た時は何だろうと思いましたが、記事を読み続けると直ぐにゲーム化されたの意味であることが分かりました。 スマホ、パソコンの無い時代に育ったのでゲームやスマホのアプリにはいまだになじめません。但し、パソコンやWeb、HTMLなどには直ぐに馴染みましたが。記事(いつまで存在するか分かりませんが、記事へのリンクを付けました)を読むと、昔から馬鹿とハサミは使いようと言いますが、確かに使い方によっては大いに役に立つことは認めざるを得ません。特に学校教育で使えば勉強嫌いが減るのではと思います。 いずれにせよ、ゲームはともかく、スマホのアプリは嫌いだからと言って今や避けられません。
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2024年07月18日 | 英単語
The Japan Times, June 6の記事から引用します。

Why Toyota's so-called safety scandal is a 'nothingburger'
Unlike the Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal, there have been no recalls, and Japanese vehicles have passed retests without issues.

"nothingburger" は引用符で囲まれているので、造語、もしくは通常は余り使われない表現なのでしょう。辞書に出ているかな?

・Wiktionary: Something of less importance than its treatment suggests; also, something which is bland or unremarkable in appearance or impact.: This 2005 Donald Trump tax return is a total nothingburger.
・Urban Dictionary: something lame, dead-end, a dud, insignificant; especially something with high expectations that turns out to be average, pathetic, or overhyped.: "much to the team's dismay, the number one pick in this year's draft turned out to be a nothingburger."

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in her wake

2024年07月17日 | 英単語
John Grishamの小説 "Camino Island" を読んでいます。

"Why are we still standing in the foyer" Leigh asked.
"Dammned good question," Myra said, flinging an arm toward the stairway. "Come with me." From behind she looked like an offensive tackle as she cleared the hallway. They followed in her wake and stopped in a family room with a marble counter.

"in her wake" の "wake" も色々な意味で使われ、名詞で思いつくのは「通夜」、「寝ずの番」、「航跡」ですが、上の引用文の "in her wake" は文脈からすると単に「彼女の後について行った」と思いますが、辞書で確認します。

・Collins Dictionary: If you are following in someone's wake, you are following them or their example.: In his wake came a waiter wheeling a trolley.

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2024年07月16日 | 英単語
John Grishamの小説 "Camino Island" を読んでいます。

He smiled and said, "That's why I'm here. That's what I wanted."
"An apology?"
"Yes. And I accept it. No hard feelings."
"You're awfully magnanimous."
"I can afford to be," he said and both chuckled.

"magnanimous" は "magnanimity" の形容詞の様です。辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor: a magnanimous gesture
・Collins Dictionary: If you are magnanimous, you behave kindly and generously towards someone, especially after defeating them or being treated badly by them.: He was a man capable of magnanimous gestures.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated: The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.
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