English Collection


do a number on

2023年11月15日 | 英単語
Mieko Kawakamiの 'Breasts and Eggs' を読んでいます。

"It was Nozomi. The guy beat her within an inch of her life. He really did a number on her. Her jawbone ws busted, and the rest of her face was bruised or worse. She lost consciousness. They arrested the guy who did it, too. They said the piece of whit was high on meht. She's lucky she didn't die."

"did number on" は文脈からすると何らかの暴力の様ですが辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: to do something that will harm somebody/something, especially when it feels like it is done deliberately, from a desire to hurt (even if this is not actually the case): Throat cancer did a number on me a few years ago.
・Wiktionary: To damage; to treat harshly; to produce ill effects in.: "All-night caffeine-fueled video game binges do a number on your body," says Essenburg.
・Merriam-Webster: to defeat or confound thoroughly especially by indirect or deceptive means: The scandal did a number on his career.

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do a number on (バネ)
2023-11-16 07:20:03
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do a number on (バネ)
2023-11-16 07:14:35
このフレーズ "do a number on" は11/26/2018に取り上げていました。

