English Collection



2024年08月21日 | 英単語
Osam Dazaiの小説 "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

I was living away from home for the first time, and life felt much easier. Perhaps this was because being a cutup had become second nature to me.

"cutup" を調べます。

・Cambridge English Dictionary: someone who behaves in an active and silly way in order to make people laugh: It's hard to believe Ella was a cutup in school - she's so polite now.
・Merriam-Webster: a person who clowns or acts boisterously: In school he was always a cutup, telling jokes and acting silly.
・Wiktionary: Someone who cuts up; someone who acts boisterously or clownishly, for example, by playing practical jokes.: I've got a brother who's a real cut-up too.


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