English Collection



2019年10月23日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" から引用します。
In The Psychology of Humor, Martin argues that humor is used as an "ingratiation tactic," making it easier to be accepted in a group. This explains why so many famous comedians have experienced difficult childhoods or have gone through a period when they felt like outcasts. They used humor to ingratiate themselves to the group, and they used it so often that they refined it to the point where they could make a living at it.
"ingratiation"/"ingratiate" を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please them.: He says, ‘You don't know whether she was trying to ingratiate herself to other kids by doing favours.

・Collins Dictionary: If someone tries to ingratiate themselves with you, they do things to try and make you like them.: Many politicians are trying to ingratiate themselves with her.

・Dictionary.com: to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with): He ingratiated himself with all the guests.
動詞で使う時は "ingratiate oneself" とするのですね。
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