English Collection



2025年01月08日 | 英単語
山中伸弥先生の半生記 "Discovering iPS Cells" を読んでいます。Jamanakaの章から引用します。後にノーベル賞を受賞する山中先生がJamanakaと呼ばれていたとは!

A brand-new building stood majestically next to Osaka Castle, fitted throughout with the latest equipment. I began my residency thinking how lucky I was to be able to train at such a wonderful hospital.
But my hopes were dashed shortly after starting at the hospital, when I found out that I had an unexpectedly harsh supervisor. I thought I was used to having intimidating seniors and exacting teachers because I have been in the judo and rugby clubs, where hierarchical relationships are the most clear-cut among sports clubs. However, my supervising doctor was more terrifying than any other person I had ever met in my life He was just like a sergeant-major at the toughest boot camp. He never used my real name, Yamanaka; for the whole 2 years of my training he called me Jamanake, a combination of my name and the Japanese word for someone who's a hindrance. "Hey, Jamanaka! You're so annoying," he kept repeating.

この意味の "dash" は知りませんでしたが、文脈から希望が壊されたと推測できますね。

・Collins Dictionary: If an event or person dashes someone's hopes or expectations, it destroys them by making it impossible that the thing that is hoped for or expected will ever happen.: The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis.
・Vocabulary.com: When you dash, you run a short distance very quickly. If you forget your lunch in the morning, you might try to dash home, grab it, and dash back to school.
This word can be used in many ways. When your dog chases your cat, they dash around the house — and you can call this sprint itself a dash. When you use the punctuation mark known as a dash, you write a horizontal line ( — ) to mark a pause, a change, or an omitted word. As a verb, dash can also mean to destroy, as when unusually warm weather dashes your hopes of a snowy holiday, or to smash, as when you dash a coconut against a rock to break it open.

私が知っていた意味の "dash" は後の章(The Race to Develop Human iPS Cellsの章)に次の場面に出てきました。

The race to develop human iPS cells started right away.
I had to work fast. On my return flight, I dashed off the paper and immediately submitted it to Cell.

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