三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年03月11日 05時48分00秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

[Dolls made by Shotaro Ishinomori's own sister].
The writer's immediate family speaks of his true humanity. I was taken by surprise and hit directly, and was completely tricked. From there, the artist's inner life is seen again. ...

 This is a series of interviews with Shotaro Ishinomori's ‘birthplace’. In my case, I feel that this ‘daily update’ blog is just the right setting for me to write about what I notice about a particular theme. At the interview site, the photography and what I ‘perceived’ at the time are synchronised, and I decide on the angle and theme according to my natural interest. Such a process is a sensual and appropriate way of recording and remembering the space of the house. Of course, there are certain rules for documenting houses, and I always try to reconstruct in my mind the words of a photographer whom I recognise as my personal mentor, but in my own way I work on the composition of the image.
 Then, after returning to my desk, I organise the photographs, valuing the ‘experience’ I have gained from this process. In this organising process, what I was feeling on the spot is purified and abstracted. I feel that this process is actually also the start of the writing process. It is probably an experiential purification as a person who has lived through the process of housing coverage.
 However, every time I do it, there is something new to experience. ‘Oh, I didn't know this was possible.’
 That kind of discovery is shown in the photograph above. This Japanese doll was made by Shotaro Ishinomori's own sister (Yue-san), with an explanation attached. I was caught off guard by the fact that the artist's immediate family had disclosed their personalities.
 When I was told this, I realised that the younger brother had made many valuable comments in the explanatory documents, which was interesting for those exploring the correlation between people and their living spaces. However, this sister's work is wonderfully and directly gripping.
 The commercial saying that the face is the life of the doll is stuck in my mind as the golden rule of the makers of Japanese dolls, but the expression on this doll's face captured me deeply. When I referred to a family photo of the doll with her sister, I felt that her own expression was reflected in the doll's facial features. It is intuitive that in the act of human modelling something, the creator's humanity is deeply projected onto the work.
 I could also sense that this kind of personality must have a certain underlying nature that his younger brother, manga artist Shotaro Ishinomori, must have.
 There was something that resonated directly with me and made me ‘open up’ to him strongly.

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