三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年02月14日 05時53分44秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

[A ‘singular day’ when work visibly progresses].
A derelict landscape that seems to silently tell us how to work steadily and over time. Mysterious mental synchronisation. ...

 Yesterday, we finally made progress on a project that we have been working on for a long time, taking about two years since the transfer of the business, and we have finally reached the end of the pass. While experiencing a slightly relieved sense of achievement, we are tightening our helmets to face the final touches by working more carefully.
 Unlike work that is carried out in collaboration with many staff members, the work we work on as a private company is largely a matter of ‘breathing together’ with many external parties. The basic rule is to respond in a humble manner, in a way that is not unreasonable and with the other party's position in mind, so as not to be selfish. I am made to realise that I may have gradually come to understand such a ‘breathing’ method a little better.
 I think that these days when progress can be seen, like a singular day, are probably the moments when the unseen, under-the-water arrangements like a duck's waterer come to the surface. 
 The photo shows an ‘abandoned house’ that is often seen along the walking path. It is not very common to see abandoned houses like this in the city centre of Sapporo, but this one has been around for five or six years, if I know it at all. There is a noticeable ‘unequal settlement’ in the middle of the building, and I keep looking at it somewhat anxiously, wondering how far it can withstand the snow load on the roof, partly due to the rapid snowfall in recent days.
 It's a strange thing, when you keep staring at something like that, it forms a sense of ‘familiarity’ in your psyche in its own way. Deep down inside, you feel as if you are cheering them on, saying ‘Go for it’. Cute.
 This wooden house also continues to support the lives of the family who lived there, and even though it has been abandoned, it still conveys something like a cry of life to passers-by like me. It is as if it is teaching me about enduring strength, perseverance to work hard behind the scenes and so on. I feel that this resonates with the development of my work.

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