三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年02月16日 06時54分18秒 | Weblog




English version⬇

Ten items of nigiri have been prepared, now let's get to work!
Sushi is more invigorating than buckwheat noodles, and it makes your brain active and your blood boil. It is as if the raw life of the fish is boiling and stimulating. ...

Today, my relatives and family members, who are spread out over four locations, gathered at lunchtime for a sushi dinner under the guise of a birthday party for my relatives. The main purpose is to satisfy my nigiri craving (laughs). The fish that had been prepared by yesterday were brought out of the fridge/freezer and the ingredients were prepared. Then, I fired up the sushi rice.
 In the middle of all this, I thought, ‘Oh, I have to write a blog’ and rushed to my Mac. The photo above shows the fish that have been processed and made into sushi. There are scallops, hokki, soi, flounder, salmon, tuna, octopus, squid, bonito, and we also prepared a warm eel kabayaki. There are 10 items in total. We plan to serve about 150 cans with these.
 For a chopstick rest, we have prepared ‘octopus tonbi’ as shown below, cooked the day before and kept refrigerated.

 In addition, teppo soup is available as a soup. This is a dish made by heating up a large pot of crab (1 kg of king crab) and cooking it with some vegetables. As it is a sushi combination, it is lightly flavoured with miso.

 So, since lunch is the main meal, I will now make zosui for breakfast, and after a quick and easy meal, I finally want to start ‘nigiri’ in earnest. I know it's the same for everyone in cooking, but the main battle is up to the preparation stage, and the nigiri is the final finishing process. It's like ‘hard work’ and ‘rhythmical body movements’, so to speak.
 It's like going through many battlefields from the fish processing stage, and finally decorating the plate beautifully while playing the rhythm with your body in a ‘joyful’ musical way.
 So today's blog is about my mind's pursuit of food, in the middle of cooking. Osomatsu!

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