三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年02月12日 05時22分41秒 | Weblog

 わが家では、狭めの敷地の平面部分にはロードヒーティングを敷設して表面にはレンガを敷いて、造園ではない庭としてきました。職住一体型住宅としては、わかりやすいコンセプト。最初はロードヒーティングをよく使っていたのですが、しかし札幌は年間積雪が5mを超える多雪都市。<図は2/11AM9:00現在のことしの年間降雪量データですでに70%程度で推移> このような世界でも奇跡的な多雪大都市なので、融雪地面と非融雪地面の「高低差」がハンパなく発生する。厳冬期3ヶ月程度は、その高低差に悩むことになる。そこで敷設したロードヒーティングは数年で中止。まぁ、こういう用途に化石燃料を使うことにためらいが感じられるようになってもいた。

English version⬇

[After the Snow Festival, it's spring... or is it?
For the people of Hokkaido, the dialogue with snow is an earnest feeling of the flower, bird and wind seasons. A huge divergence from the traditional Nippon ‘mono no aware’ warm-weather sensibility. Shin Kacho Fugetsu? ...

 Yesterday was a mid-week public holiday. The mid-week Monday schedule was a bit of a challenge, and I was not feeling very happy about the holiday. When I was in this mood, a group of snow clearing vehicles were out on the road in front of our house.
 The road in front of our house has a high priority in snow removal work because it is a ‘junior high school route’, and of course the frequency is high. We took these advantages into account when we chose the land, and now that we have lived here for the longest time in our lives, we realise that these advantages were still significant. The junior high school in front of our house seems to have a high number of students as a junior high school in a densely populated area, and I have a hunch that these advantages have a high chance of surviving even in the future when the population is declining.
 The fact that this kind of intensive snow removal is carried out on a continuous basis seems to naturally guarantee the planning of the act of ‘snow shoveling’ the home site & the road in front of the home on that basis.
 For those of us who have lived in Sapporo for a long time, this unavoidable ‘dialogue’ with the snow, and the planning period for snow shoveling, which extends over a period of six months from November to April, is the most important relationship with the external environment. I have come to think that this is an opportunity to ‘dialogue’ with nature even more than ‘garden work’ in the Kanto region and southwards. A unique sense of dialogue with nature that diverges from the so-called traditional Japanese aesthetic of Kacho Fugetsu.
 In our house, we have laid road heating and bricks on the surface of the flat part of the narrow plot, making it a non-landscaped garden. This is a straightforward concept for a house with an integrated work/residential area. At first, road heating was often used, however, Sapporo is a city with heavy snowfall, with an annual snowfall of more than 5m. <The figure is already at around 70% of the annual snowfall data for this year as of 9:00AM 11 Feb> As this is such a miraculously snowy metropolis in the world, the ‘height difference’ between the snow-melting ground and the non-snow-melting ground occurs without a hump. For about three months during the severe winter season, the difference in height is a problem. The road heating system installed there was discontinued after a few years. Well, we also began to feel hesitant about using fossil fuels for this kind of application.
 Since then, I have been obliged to shovel snow myself, including on the front road, for almost 30 years or more. This kind of conditioning may have been a big part of the reason why I have spent my life in relatively good health. I will have to think about my future old age in combination with my health. An interesting challenge.

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