三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【大坂夏の陣の武功・槍役45家 十津川と「新十津川」-5】

2025年02月22日 06時35分04秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

The 45 families of spearmen and warriors of the Osaka summer campaign Totsukawa and the “New Totsukawa” - 5]
At the nexus of Japanese history, the people of Totsukawa show impressive feats. The “45 families of spearmen” are similar to the Hatamoto. Is there a connection with the image of Yatagarasu in mythology? ...

 Yesterday, I mentioned the detailed records of Totsukawa from the Taikoo inspection, and later, during the Osaka Summer Battle, the people of Totsukawa are said to have sided with the Tokugawa and achieved military success. In response to their military exploits, the Edo Shogunate granted the people of Totsukawa “fukimochi” (rice with allowances) and “yariyaku” status, which is equivalent to the rank of shibu (warrior), to 45 families.
 The Tokugawa Shogunate treated the people of this vast territory, which did not conform to the basic economic scale of Japanese society of rice farming, with a special status system. The Tokugawa Shogunate divided the country into regions based on the yield of rice crops and gave the right to control each region to the “daimyo” family, and institutionalised the status of Hatamoto for Tokugawa vassals, but the people of Totsukawa were treated with a special status system different from these.
 This historical background must have cultivated the mentality of the people of this region for a long time.
 In my opinion, the local folklore of Yatagarasu in the Kumano Sanzan Mountains may have played a role in the background of these events.

 In the tale of the Jimmu expedition, it is said that Emperor Jimmu landed at Tategasaki in Kumano and passed through the region of Totsukawa to Yamato Province, and that Yatagarasu led him through the rugged mountain path. This tale of the eastern expedition is, of course, a myth, but we can feel the traces of it in the DNA of the people of Totsukawa. I wonder whether the people of Totsukawa have a respectful expression of ‘Yatagarasu’ for the people who actively led the Jinmu lineage as mountain people.
 In the history of Japan, this is a region that has formed a very special kind of local tradition.
 The Maruta family is not one of the 45 families mentioned above, but it is said to have been a village official and was allowed to wear the family name from the end of the Edo period (1830-1843) onwards.
 The Maruta family archives, which were left in the family, contain detailed records from the mid-Edo period to the Meiji Restoration. They mainly contain records of forest sales and purchases, business transactions and interactions within the village, but they also contain information on events in Edo Osaka at the time and analysis of the situation at the end of the Edo period, as well as a storehouse of knowledge and information unique to the region. The records give us a sense of the level of awareness of the people, who were extremely perceptive to information despite being in a mountainous area.
 When we consider that the rich DNA of these people has been passed down directly to Hokkaido, we are deeply surprised at the “rediscovery” of the region on a flesh-and-blood level. Hokkaido and Totsukawa: far and near.

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