文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Even if it is a moneyed assistance from somewhere, I am presuming that it is not strange

2018年03月02日 23時26分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Fantasy of Moon Jae-in loopy regime

Will it be possible to know that the leftist in Korea is very late in this?

Here, political liberalization by 'June 29 Declaration' occurred in 1987, and from the 1990s, not only Marx · Leninism but also Juche's ideological work of the North penetrated the Korean college self-government association.

This was the full-scale prosecution of 'the democratic base theory' of Kim Il-song who was proposed in 1946, the theory which exerts a revolution on the south from the pou sto in the north.

It was possible to support a continued pro- North Korean administration by above-mentioned generation, the Moon Jae-in administration in now became the administration who is subordinate to North Korea at last with Kim Dae Jung administration in 1998, Roh Moo Hyun administration in 2003 and stands up on the top of maneuvering in North Korea to win complete.

First, like Korea in a class, in the society to kick off poor people fiercely, the fact that the son of a Geojedo peddler can become a president is itself strange.

Even if it is a moneyed assistance from somewhere, I am presuming that it is not strange.

This time, deliberately, it is telling to the reader about Korean Peninsula from 'the life'.

This draft continues.

* The other day, Mr. Tsutsumi Gyo, my senior at the alumna I love forever 'Moon Jae-in's father is a North Korean defector and his roots are North Korea. He is said to be pro - North Korea, but when I see the political activities since the secretary general of Roh Moo - hyun, it seems that the agent in the north seems to be more like '... for the comment of this Mr. Tsutsumi, I think that it guesses what person Moon Jae-in is.

I sent, writing so though, I am convinced that they see through the truth about above-mentioned supposition of Mr. Furuta Hiroshi who is eminent expert in the world about Korean Peninsula and the agreement of the feeling of Mr. Tsutsumi.*

First, like Korea in a class, in the society to kick off poor people fiercely, the fact that the

2018年03月02日 23時24分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Fantasy of Moon Jae-in loopy regime

Will it be possible to know that the leftist in Korea is very late in this?

Here, political liberalization by 'June 29 Declaration' occurred in 1987, and from the 1990s, not only Marx · Leninism but also Juche ideological work of the North penetrated the Korean college self-government association.

This was the full-scale prosecution of 'the democratic base theory' of Kim Il-song who was proposed in 1946, the theory which exerts a revolution on the south from the pou sto in the north.

It was possible to support a continued pro- North Korean administration by above-mentioned generation, the Moon Jae-in administration in now became the administration who is subordinate to North Korea at last with Kim Dae Jung administration in 1998, Roh Moo Hyun administration in 2003 and stands up on the top of maneuvering in North Korea to win complete.

First, like Korea in a class, in the society to kick off poor people fiercely, the fact that the son of a Geojedo peddler can become a president is itself strange.

Even if it is a moneyed assistance from somewhere, I am presuming that it is not strange.

This time, deliberately, it is telling to the reader about Korean Peninsula from 'the life'.

This draft continues.

* The other day, Mr. Tsutsumi Gyo, my senior at the alumna I love forever 'Moon Jae-in's father is a North Korean defector and his roots are North Korea. He is said to be pro - North Korea, but when I see the political activities since the secretary general of Roh Moo - hyun, it seems that the agent in the north seems to be more like '... for the comment of this Mr. Tsutsumi, I think that it guesses what person Moon Jae-in is.

I sent, writing so though, I am convinced that they see through the truth about above-mentioned supposition of Mr. Furuta Hiroshi who is eminent expert in the world about Korean Peninsula and the agreement of the feeling of Mr. Tsutsumi.*

The country as the state cannot keep promise is the evidence that trust society is not formed in the

2018年03月02日 22時46分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The outdated leftist society which is at the height of prosperity.

I thought that it was good in it because it did not write a thing like now in the future if the capitalism developed and Korea of such distrust society, too, should become trust society and became the country which can keep promise or a contract neatly the root was kind about me.

However, unfortunately, it did not become so.

Therefore, Korea does not fulfill the comfort women agreement.

The country as the state cannot keep promise is the evidence that trust society is not formed in the country.

Well, I was worried that my salary was just 150,000 Korean won.

It searched lodgings, being taken the next day by the senior of Japanese teacher.

When haggling over 50,000 Korean won with 30,000 Korean won more in some boarding house with the inexpensive one of the prostitution town like a place, it opened a store room in the 2nd floor the backs.

Next, it is sideline search by the tutor.

Fortunately, senior's friend procured.

It was the tutor who teaches the female university student Japanese.

It is what and 'the Communist Manifesto' of Marx and Engels that, when asking a girl, saying 'by the way, what will we read', it let out from under the desk secretly with 'I hope for this'.

It is still a prohibition in South Korea, and it is after the political liberalization by ‘June 29 Declaration’ in 1987 that it will be totally banned.

With 'The Communist Manifesto' of the Iwanami library version being able to be surreptitiously shown, I murmured being 'Korea so still late does not it seem that it is the prewar days in Japan' in the mind.

After that, I became friends with the boarding houses diagonally across from the storeroom, friends at the Korea University were active students.

He, too, visited my room often.

It is to be given from instruction from me of Marxian economics.

Since I am kind, I taught ‘capital theory’ firmly from labor theory of value to commercial capital.

In 2000, he set up a very left party, the Democratic Labor Party, and now he was Justice Party (South Korea) in-house representative and was the youngest day of Roh Hoe-chan.

Because it is in Japanese Wikipedia now as the politician in Korea, I have been really surprised.

Those days were new about the Marxism.

This draft continues.

at the time that, still in Japan, the fiction of Asian friendship solidarity is overflowing,

2018年03月02日 21時48分44秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper which is carried on the monthly magazine sound argument current issue, being entitled ‘the special story the hand of the addict in North Korea’.

The end of Moon Jae-in loopy regime

Hiroshi Furuta

Receiving baptism of the Korean distrust society

A copy of the agreement dated April 15, 1980 is left in my hand now.

In the one assigned as the prestigious university in Korea, Japanese teacher in the Yonsei University, the character, too, already gets patchy.

A seal was stamped with a thick frame of Hangul Seal script, and a gaudy circular seal was pasted to the original, being grandiose.

It was presented as 'it adds paying the stipend of 215,000 Korean won per month in the period which works in this educational institution as the contract matters' by contract clause 4.

At the time I was 26 years old, I decided to cross over to Korea with my friend’s recommendation without any place to go out of graduate school.

As soon as I arrived, I cannot forget the time when I visited the office of Yonsei University with the contract I received.

At that time I heard that the average salary of a company employee from a university in Korea was 300,000 Korean won.

I was relieved that I could manage to live somehow because there was a lodging place in the letter, but the clerk was poor Japanese, ‘Salaries can only pay 150,000 Korean won. Because there is no dormitory, please find a boarding house’, I was truly surprised.

When saying 'Is not it different from the contract,' the answer that has returned is quite original.

It says 'then, do you return'.

I murmured being 'it is this, doing from the blue - brick university it is such a country' in the mind.

This is my 'receiving baptism' of the unbelief society of Korea.

Why did not I write the thing so far in the book?

The era in which I write vigorously is from the 1990s.

The Asia's redemption theory and the Asian principle, spread by the 'progressive cultural person' and 'conscientious intellectual' at the time that, still in Japan, the fiction of Asian friendship solidarity is overflowing, the editor of the publisher did not allow it if it would write such a thing.

‘Reading Korean nationality’ issued in CHIKUMA SHINSHO in 1995 is now a bunko and is still on sale, but even this was actually ordered to rewrite a whole chapter from the editor in charge at the time is there.

It is my feeling that writer has no choice but to look at the times.

When too early, it does not reach a reader and the editor gets cross with the left.

This draft continues.


2018年03月02日 17時39分22秒 | 日記











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2018年03月02日 17時10分46秒 | 日記

以下は月刊誌正論今月号に「特集 北朝鮮の魔の手」と題して掲載されている論文からである。
























After all it has no hands other than to increase defense capability.

2018年03月02日 16時01分43秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is the last that the defense line drops to the Genkai-Nada with the story of cause and effect so far.

After all it has no hands other than to increase defense capability.

But the head of those who are responsible for it, to speak distinctly, I cannot bring myself to believe.

I absolutely agree with clearly specifying the SDF in the Constitution and making it a defense army.

I am a Constitution revisionist.

However, by saying from the experience to have made 15 Self-Defense Force cadets earn a Master of Arts degree from Tsukuba University graduate school and to have raised, it isn't possible to deny the sense that there are many human beings who are insufficient as the army.

There were more persons of the carrier intention in the bureaucrat aptitude.

As a soldier is still obliged to clarify the good and evil itself, it is work to knock the enemy, so if you have pro - Chinese school or resigning to Korea school, I think that the command system will be hindered.

Because it is a kidnapper, an island thief, the sea thief, the doing thing evil to do,

2018年03月02日 15時37分23秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

There are a good country and a bad country.

If doing foresight, it makes the strong state of the management as it strengthens trust state school, it cures an anti-state school and it is possible to win economic survival.

It makes the tale of cause and effect of the people in the one which there is little contradiction in,

It seems Japanese food will become beautiful when cutting sashimi like this, we enrich culture which is the accumulation of mastering.

Also increase the number of people who can successfully master the three sacred treasures after the modern age.

This is a good country, Japan should aim for this.

The problem is that the chaotic space on the left side pushes with force.

Because it is a kidnapper, an island thief, the sea thief, the doing thing evil to do, I do not hesitate, saying 'the rascal country' recently by the lecture.

This article continues.

The problem is that the chaotic space on the left side pushes with force.

2018年03月02日 15時36分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

There are a good country and a bad country.

If doing foresight, it makes the strong state of the management as it strengthens trust state school, it cures an anti-state school and it is possible to win economic survival.

It makes the tale of cause and effect of the people in the one which there is little contradiction in,

It seems Japanese food will become beautiful when cutting sashimi like this, we enrich culture which is the accumulation of mastering.

Also increase the number of people who can successfully master the three sacred treasures after the modern age.

This is a good country, Japan should aim for this.

The problem is that the chaotic space on the left side pushes with force.

Because it is a kidnapper, an island thief, the sea thief, the doing thing evil to do, I do not hesitate, saying 'the rascal country' recently by the lecture.

This article continues.