The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Fantasy of Moon Jae-in loopy regime
Will it be possible to know that the leftist in Korea is very late in this?
Here, political liberalization by 'June 29 Declaration' occurred in 1987, and from the 1990s, not only Marx · Leninism but also Juche's ideological work of the North penetrated the Korean college self-government association.
This was the full-scale prosecution of 'the democratic base theory' of Kim Il-song who was proposed in 1946, the theory which exerts a revolution on the south from the pou sto in the north.
It was possible to support a continued pro- North Korean administration by above-mentioned generation, the Moon Jae-in administration in now became the administration who is subordinate to North Korea at last with Kim Dae Jung administration in 1998, Roh Moo Hyun administration in 2003 and stands up on the top of maneuvering in North Korea to win complete.
First, like Korea in a class, in the society to kick off poor people fiercely, the fact that the son of a Geojedo peddler can become a president is itself strange.
Even if it is a moneyed assistance from somewhere, I am presuming that it is not strange.
This time, deliberately, it is telling to the reader about Korean Peninsula from 'the life'.
This draft continues.
* The other day, Mr. Tsutsumi Gyo, my senior at the alumna I love forever 'Moon Jae-in's father is a North Korean defector and his roots are North Korea. He is said to be pro - North Korea, but when I see the political activities since the secretary general of Roh Moo - hyun, it seems that the agent in the north seems to be more like '... for the comment of this Mr. Tsutsumi, I think that it guesses what person Moon Jae-in is.
I sent, writing so though, I am convinced that they see through the truth about above-mentioned supposition of Mr. Furuta Hiroshi who is eminent expert in the world about Korean Peninsula and the agreement of the feeling of Mr. Tsutsumi.*