文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

All Japanese citizens and all the Westerners who believe in the anti-Japanese propaganda of the

2018年03月11日 20時38分51秒 | 日記

The following is from the article published on page 6 of today's Sankei Shimbun.

All Japanese citizens and all the Westerners who believe in the anti-Japanese propaganda of the Korean Peninsula must know.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Huge amount of money funded by Japan

How many times will we experience 'have a dreadful experience?'

The Pyeongchang Olympics that the attention centered on the politics show by 'north and south’ at first rather than sports.

‘I do not go’, I do not know whether Japan's prime minister, who should have decided once, attended the opening ceremony whether it was American pressure or a result of compromising some opinion within the ruling party.

But, should I say as expected?

At the summit with the president of South Korea again, he pressed for an agreement fulfillment of the comfort women issue, but the opponent was like 'preaching to the deaf'.

However, there are no signs that Korea will return 1 billion yen contributed by the Japanese government to Japan.

Many Japanese are getting very angry in disgusting attitude that Korea breaks the promise between countries very easy, but if we look back on the history of 'money' in Japan and the Korean Peninsula, it is not surprising otherwise.

Needless to say, of course, the problem of ‘compensation after war’ in the first place is ‘solved’ by the 1965 Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea.

Japan promises the huge fund giving (paid - free) which exceeds Korean national budget in those days of 500 million dollars and the mutual claim right problem is problem it solving fully and finally.

In other words, at this time, not only the Korean side abandoned the claim right, but also for Japan side not only the public assets but also private property built up by individuals in the land of Korea were finally abandoned, it does not forget that.

This draft continues.

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If Korea repeats unreasonable claims, it will forever not solve if there is not spirit to

2018年03月11日 19時46分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In the lecture about the Governor-General of Korea budget in 1942, Mizuta says,

"The share of tax burden on income (in mainland Japan) is about 10.4 to 10.5%. (Korea's share) is less than 10%”

‘Replenishment fee’ supplemented from Japanese general accounts for the portion of tax revenue shortage and revenue shortfall.

In 1943, it was 12,850,000 yen (around 260 billion yen), 5.5% of the total revenue.

This replenishment money was canceled in 1919, but as soon as the fiscal situation ceased to exist, it revived the following year.

The total amount until the end of war is about 420.2 million yen (around 8.4 trillion yen) it is rising up to the huge amount.

And, in 1933, public bonds were 33 million yen (14.2% of total revenue).

Korean railways, roads, harbors, telegraphic telephones, etc. were steadily improved with public bonds purchased mainly by Japanese.

Japan's assets of 17 trillion yen

The above-mentioned statement concludes as follows.

"On August 15, 1945, when the Korea was launched as an independent country, the balance sheet between Japan and Korea, a large amount of inflows from Japan by the government and the private sector, that is, ‘borrowing’ of Korea was posted ‘The fact that it was in a state indicating that it does not hit the abstract concept of colonial exploitation’.

There is also an estimate that the total assets that Japan left in Korea at the end of the war, in fact, totaled about 17 trillion yen.

If Korea repeats unreasonable claims, it will forever not solve if there is not spirit to retort that is 'it is possible to return the assets of the Japanese'.

= Titles omitted, Sunday publication (Culture Department editor Kita Yoshihiro)

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In general, in developed countries, taxes account for more than half of all income, but

2018年03月11日 12時17分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Taxes cheaper than the inside (Japan)

Before Japan's Annexation of Korea (Meiji 43 = 1910), the fiscal situation of the Korean Empire era is a state of failure so that the budget cannot be built up in both central and regional areas.

For this reason, the Government of Japan makes 'debt' so far and compensates annually for revenue shortfalls from general accounts as 'advanced money' in protected country age, 'subsidy' after annexation, etc. had to do balance the accounts.

Japan (such as financial institutions) also took over much of the public bonds that became a source of infrastructure for the development of the Korea Development.

How much money has Japan borne?

I would like to give an example of ‘Korea Governor General Budget Special Account Budget’ from the book ‘Governor-General of Korea Era’ supervised by Mizuta Naomasa, who served as Chief of the Finance Bureau of the Governor-General of Korea.

The total revenue is about 232 million yen (around 4,600 billion yen at the present price).

Among them, the most common is income from government and public property.

Railway revenue of about 65 million yen monopoly income of about 40 million yen communication revenue of about 15 million yen - etc. Accounting for about 55% of total revenue.

On the other hand, tax revenue is about 50 million yen, which is only about 20% of the total.

In general, in developed countries, taxes account for more than half of all income, but the economic power of Korea at that time did not develop until it could endure such a tax burden.

In the historical drama, the market has decided that an evil lord will harass the farmer with a high pension.

However, in consideration of such circumstances, the ruler Japan was forced to set the taxation of Korea basically lower than the inside.

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Coupled with 'having a poor endgame' of the Japanese government side, the boring money battle

2018年03月11日 11時56分18秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

That Korea has achieved high economic growth called ‘Han River's miracle’ since the latter half of the 1960s, through funds obtained from Japan and assistance from the United States as a ‘return’ to dispatch the Korean army to the Vietnam War, it is well known.

However, judiciary, too, is added after that about the Korean side, which 'Individual claim rights have not disappeared' or '(during the negotiations of Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea normalized diplomatic relations) problems such as comfort women and others were not disclosed', and arguing that, it will not lay down their arms at all.

Coupled with 'having a poor endgame' of the Japanese government side, the boring money battle has been repeated.

Actually, the trouble over 'money' has already taken place since Japan began to engage in Korea.

This draft continues.

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2018年03月11日 10時57分10秒 | 日記




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2018年03月11日 10時53分42秒 | 日記


È una circostanza del genere che i due abbiano condiviso i tempi in cui erano ancora giovani


Incredibile stabilità emotiva supporta la leadership del primo ministro Abe.




Сумма практики,


Valor da prática a ser aplicado ao Discurso de Inglês


İngilizce Konuşmasına Uygulanacak Uygulama Tutarı


La increíble estabilidad emocional respalda el liderazgo del primer ministro Abe.


İnanılmaz duygusal istikrar, Başbakan Abe'nin liderliğini destekliyor.


It was pretending to obey but secretly betraying, one of the Chinese way to get on in the world


During this extraordinary decade that the world situation was also blocked, he grew up as a










Being a problem in the way of Xi Jinping is antagonizing religion, Islam.




Fantastisk känslomässig stabilitet stöder premiärministerns ledning Abe.


Käytännön määrä, jota sovelletaan englanninkieliseen puheeseen


This is caused by uranium's not being able to be imported with the relation with


Böyle bir durum, ikisinin de hala gençken zamanlarını paylaşması durumudur.


Er det sådan en omstændighed, at de to delte tiderne, da de stadig var unge


L'importo della pratica deve essere applicato al discorso in inglese


Stabilitas emosional yang luar biasa mendukung kepemimpinan Perdana Menteri Abe.




É uma circunstância que os dois compartilharam os tempos em que ainda eram jovens


Because the ruling layer of China has grabbed some huge interests and is holding money with


Kestabilan emosi yang menakjubkan menyokong kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Abe.


Une stabilité émotionnelle étonnante soutient le leadership du Premier ministre Abe.


Öva belopp som ska tillämpas på det engelska talet


الوزراء آبي.


Är det en sådan omständighet att de två delade tiderna när de fortfarande var unga




Это то обстоятельство




감동적인 안정감은




Øvelsesbeløb, der skal anvendes til den engelske tale


두 사람이 아직 젊었을


Fantastisk følelsesmæssig stabilitet understøtter premierminister Abe's ledelse.


Удивительная эмоциональная



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2018年03月11日 10時52分03秒 | 日記




Montant de la pratique à appliquer au discours anglais






Importe de la práctica que se aplicará al inglés


Jumlah amalan yang digunakan untuk Ucapan Bahasa Inggeris




Übungsumfang für die englische Sprache


영어 연설에




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2018年03月11日 10時37分28秒 | 日記
















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mange evakuerte med dette, men det

2018年03月11日 10時27分55秒 | 日記

Følgende er fortsettelsen av det forrige kapitlet.
Umiddelbart etter 3.11 ble plutonium detektert ved TEPCO Fukushima.
Halvtid over 20.000 år.
Hvis du inhalerer det, er døden ved intern eksponering, skrev frilansskribent Takashi Uesugi, Asahi Shimbun også piggybacked og gjorde en støy.
kjernefysisk kraftverk forbrent allergi
Jeg hørte at mange evakuerte med dette, men det var plutonium som var spredt i Kinas kjernekraftprøve.
Asahi Shimbun er ikke en respektløshet som vanlig.
Selv i omstart av Sendai-kjernekraftverket, sendte Asahi-avisen ryktet på forsiden.
Strålingsobservasjonsapparat er ubrukelig, i en nødsituasjon, vet innbyggerne ikke hvor de skal unnslippe Asahi-kullkraftkjernen allergi med mye nærvær.
Artikkelen var helt en løgn.
Dette utkastet fortsetter.

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mnohí ľudia sa s touto cestou evakuovali

2018年03月11日 10時27分16秒 | 日記

Nasleduje pokračovanie predchádzajúcej kapitoly.
Bezprostredne po 3.11 bol v TEPCO Fukushima detegovaný plutónium.
Polčas rozpadu viac ako 20 000 rokov.
Ak vdychujete, je smrťou vnútornou expozíciou, napísal na voľnej nohe spisovateľ Takashi Uesugi, Asahi Shimbun tiež praskal a urobil hluk.
alergie na jadrové elektrárne
Počul som, že s touto osobou sa evakuovalo veľa ľudí, ale to bolo plutónium, ktoré bolo rozptýlené v čínskom jadrovom teste.
Asahi Shimbun nie je neúcta ako obvykle.
Dokonca aj pri reštarte jadrovej elektrárne v Sendai noviny Asahi vrhnú ruch na prednej strane.
Zariadenie na sledovanie žiarenia je zbytočné, v naliehavých prípadoch obyvatelia nevedia, kam uniknúť alergii na jadrovú elektráreň poháňanú Asahi s množstvom prítomnosti.
Tento článok bol úplne klam.
Tento návrh pokračuje.

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beaucoup de personnes ont été évacuées

2018年03月11日 10時16分47秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Immédiatement après 3.11, du plutonium a été détecté à TEPCO Fukushima.
La demi vie sur 20 000 ans.
Si vous inhalez c'est la mort par exposition interne, l'écrivain indépendant Takashi Uesugi a écrit, Asahi Shimbun aussi ferroutage et fait du bruit.
centrale nucléaire a alimenté l'allergie
J'ai entendu dire que de nombreuses personnes avaient été évacuées, mais c'était du plutonium dispersé dans l'essai nucléaire chinois.
L'Asahi Shimbun n'est pas un manque de respect comme d'habitude.
Même dans le redémarrage de la centrale nucléaire de Sendai, le journal Asahi a fait la une des journaux en première page.
Dispositif d'observation des radiations est inutile, en cas d'urgence, les résidents ne savent pas où échapper à l'allergie de la centrale nucléaire alimenté par Asahi avec beaucoup de présence.
L'article était entièrement un mensonge.
Ce projet continue.

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muchas personas evacuaron con esto

2018年03月11日 10時16分09秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
Inmediatamente después de 3.11, se detectó plutonio en TEPCO Fukushima.
Half life más de 20,000 años.
Si inhalas la muerte es por exposición interna, escribió el escritor independiente Takashi Uesugi, Asahi Shimbun también se hizo a un lado e hizo un ruido.
alergia alimentada con energía nuclear
Escuché que muchas personas evacuaron con esto, pero fue el plutonio el que se dispersó en la prueba nuclear de China.
El Asahi Shimbun no es una falta de respeto como de costumbre.
Incluso en el reinicio de la planta de energía nuclear Sendai, el periódico Asahi arrojó rumores en la página principal.
El dispositivo de observación de radiación es inútil, en una emergencia, los residentes no saben dónde escapar de la alergia a la planta de energía nuclear alimentada por Asahi con mucha presencia.
El artículo fue completamente una mentira.
Este borrador continúa.

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viele Leute evakuierten damit

2018年03月11日 10時15分28秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Unmittelbar nach 3.11 wurde Plutonium bei TEPCO Fukushima nachgewiesen.
Halbwertzeit über 20.000 Jahre.
Wenn Sie es durch innere Belichtung Tod einatmen, schrieb freiberuflicher Schriftsteller Takashi Uesugi, Asahi Shimbun auch huckepack und machte ein Geräusch.
Kernkraftwerk betriebene Allergie
Ich hörte, dass viele Leute damit evakuiert wurden, aber es war Plutonium, das in Chinas Atomtest verstreut wurde.
Der Asahi Shimbun ist keine Respektlosigkeit wie üblich.
Selbst beim Neustart des Kernkraftwerks Sendai hat die Zeitung Asahi Gerüchte auf der Titelseite verraten.
Strahlungsbeobachtungsgerät ist nutzlos, in einem Notfall wissen die Bewohner nicht, wo sie der von Asahi angeregten Kernkraftwerkallergie mit viel Präsenz entkommen können.
Der Artikel war eine Lüge.
Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

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muitas pessoas evacuaram com isso,

2018年03月11日 10時14分47秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
Imediatamente após 3.11, o plutônio foi detectado na TEPCO Fukushima.
Meia vida há mais de 20 mil anos.
Se você inalar, é a morte por exposição interna, escreveu o escritor freelancer Takashi Uesugi, Asahi Shimbun também cunhou e fez um barulho.
alergia alimentada por energia nuclear
Ouvi dizer que muitas pessoas foram evacuadas com isso, mas foi o plutônio que foi espalhado no teste nuclear da China.
O Asahi Shimbun não é um desrespeito, como de costume.
Mesmo no reinício da usina nuclear de Sendai, o jornal Asahi derramou rumores na primeira página.
O dispositivo de observação de radiação é inútil, em uma emergência, os moradores não sabem onde escapar da alergia da central nuclear de Asahi com muita presença.
O artigo era inteiramente uma mentira.
Este rascunho continua.

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2018年03月11日 10時14分15秒 | 日記


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