文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best city plan after the war.

2018年03月16日 22時50分07秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I was watching a press conference at Mr. Kobayashi, representative of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, and I remembered the North Yard.

In conclusion, this Japan Association of Corporate Executives should not be an exaggeration to say that it is a puppet organization of the Asahi Shimbun in the business circle.

Saying there are only Ginza and Umeda in the excellent location where Japan has ultra, I referred to it.

It gathers the wisdom of the Osaka officials and the people and the representative of the ... government service is an Osaka-shi mayor and the private representative is Osaka University president....

Spending equal to or more than 20 years, in front of Oosaka station, the business plan of the northern yard was complete.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best city plan after the war.

To that evidence, more than 400,000 people will gather at Grand front Osaka, the first phase of the sale, at the end of every week.

Needless to say, those who are equal to or more than the population of the prefecture's prefectural capital are gathered.

It goes without saying why. It is a wonderful city in a truly wonderful location.

Until the completion of this urban plan, countless symposia were repeated.

One of the major players was the Kansai Japan Association of Corporate Executives.

If raising the individual name, Yukiko Takenaka, a former employee of Takenaka Corporation, also served as a panelist several times, as it is also in the record that she was personally leading.

However, Yukiko Takenaka finally completed the project plan ... Actually it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest economic doubt case after the war ... in terms of the amount of damage given to its treasury ... the first stage sale After completion,

She suddenly said that.

It stopped the second term distribution of the North Yard and put it in a green park ... to let the corner of Ginza 4 chome be a park rather than a commercial area.

Choose Osaka as the stage of life and Osaka will definitely revive ... The land that God has left for that purpose, the North Yard, will revive Osaka,

So I kept talking to people around me ... That is, Osaka regeneration is essential for Japan, I say that Tokyo and Osaka have grown as car wheels and developed,

Later on, I wrote it on the turntable of civilization for the first time in Japan, and I also appeared,

The Asahi Shimbun reported the article that Shimozuma Hiroshi who took office as Kansai Economic Federation chairman at that time, as it was, as a scoop on the front page somehow.

As I have repeatedly written that the wirepuller in the North Yard's confusion was the Asahi Shimbun, as I mentioned many times, what I noticed.

In other words, the one, Japan Association of Corporate Executives, is the organization which is not exaggerated at all even if it says it to be line troops for Asahi Shimbun to dominate the financial circles.

This representative Kobayashi is also the lowest human being in Japan today, deserving the greatest contempt.

It was the feeling which is much more dubious to seed money's quite engaging in the needed business

2018年03月16日 20時57分27秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It has done agency, having the buying and selling of a house in the acquaintance when living in the lot more residential area compared with that land and there is a Korean resident in Japan who was an inhabitant in the madness village of the preceding chapter, possessing it after that.

So I also know it with cutaneous sensation, but things are completed later and I know the implication of the thing.......

The rewrite uproar this time also turned out last night that I happened to see NHK's night's news program watching...

When I engaged in the above-mentioned intermediary, the Korean residents in Japan who owned them had a splendid detached house in that place,

It was the feeling which is much more dubious to seed money's quite engaging in the needed business which the ordinary person cannot do near the airport though

It was a paper by Takayama Masayuki that elucidated this at a stroke.

As for this matter, concerning that land, the politician of the Democratic Progressive Party said that it is a good residential area, the first objection in Japan, I will publish my paper,

Takayama is the one and only journalist in the world after the war, it was quickly examined, I thought,

Thanks to his investigation, the doubt to have been for many years was blink-of-an-eye and it was blown off.

The negative magnitude given to national administration and to Japan and tomorrow of Japan

2018年03月16日 20時44分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

However, many of them still continue to subscribe to the Asahi Newspaper and keep reading it carefully,

In this case, they do not notice this at all and agree with the Asahi Shimbun's tone.

Although it is a phenomenon which can be said if it is said that it proves that there is not anywhere such as a perfectly human being,

The negative magnitude given to national administration and to Japan and tomorrow of Japan is so serious that it cannot be covered by that.

When it started the total amount regulation in 1990, even when the lost 20 years of Japan were made, the people who existed as managers in the center of Japan, even to the top of that financial institution, the Asahi Shimbun editorial ... Actually, in sync with the editorial of Atsushi Yamada who was one reporter in the Economic Department, they sank Japan with the long-term deflation that is still going on.

Those who have Mr. Kobayashi representative of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives as their leaders have already undergone a similar mistake this time as well. What kind of results will this time bring? When the Abe government collapses as hoped by the Asahi Shimbun, it is not 100% of mistakes in the time that the militia of the monocrats of the Communist Party in China lands in Senkaku-

I will tell especially to Mr. Kobayashi representative of Japan Association of Corporate Executives.

However, that if self-confident when it is an able about Mr. Kobayashi, this Japan Association of Corporate Executives representative, too, is not interpolation and being ordered to rewrite concisely is understanding silently.

Gather an overview of the report to one sheet of A4.

Needless to say. This is because a huge amount of information is abundant in large companies.

The land of much more and Moritomo problem is the place where the madness village existed ever if saying, borrowing the title of the book of Kida Minoru,

For the inhabitants who stayed in this place ... Somehow, those who got in and brought in just under the airplane landing ... The country is getting scattered and given a huge amount of soundproofing expense etc., and at the end In the neighborhood, it is a project like building a good house, giving, giving away, evading,

The boss is severe in the more and the owners with proper brain should be able to imagine that will have said 'it is possible to write concisely' easily.

At the stage where I knew nothing about the person who committed suicide at all,

2018年03月16日 20時07分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

At the stage where I knew nothing about the person who committed suicide at all, I also wrote sentences of the appearance which is exactly right for politicians of opposition party to use for regime attack,

That he fitted a depression tendency clearly was being told by the state during this person which NHK told last night.

The judicial scrivener office, which was made exclusively to our company, was jointly run by two very good people, and was also a designated judicial scrivener of a large financial institution.

Naturally I had a very close relationship, but when I was concentrating on work in a big field and traveling to Tokyo etc. frequently, one of the above managers had severe depression I was totally surprised to hear from him that he suffered from suicide and went to the point just before suicide.

I thought that such a thing could not be thought at all, I thought that it was because he was a work-related person, or a person with a very serious personality.

In my later years, I was further surprised when I told the insurance agency manager that I was exclusively asked for fire insurance against our property.

"To tell the truth, I became totally the same sickness ..."

"Well!" It goes without saying that I was really surprised.

The one, the middle-aged and elderly depression, was actually in the moment to have had many things informed.

The sentence was too detailed = too long, there were a lot of wasted places = Many rewritten, ordered that the person himself expected that there was a move of the workplace, but there was no personnel change expected it was.

As this case responded, NHK said that the person who committed suicide seemed to have thought.

You already know.

He was a typical depression-minded person.

Originally, I wrote that his wife and children were left behind, it goes without saying that such a thing, originally to be told first, was not reported at all until last night,

It goes without saying that the relevant part will be deleted today.

In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is committing evil to double triple.

Asahi Shimbun company is anti-Abe, anti-Japan, if anti-government content, it is a company that does little check on its text and content, because the boss does not have even finding fault sentences to subordinates ,

This case is merely rewriting ... unnecessary useless waste ... The politician who received petition had an inquiry, the expression that the wife Prime Minister's speech and tears are unnecessary in the final writing,

If you are a truly competent executive or an executive, if you are proud of yourself as a competent manager, Mr. Kobayashi, president of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, may well understand silently.

The boss ordered that it is possible to rewrite to the rewriting party so he was too detailed

2018年03月16日 19時37分11秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Last night, NHK reported the most important fact barely.

NHK didn't notice the implication of the thing and reported only actually though.

I will first tell the important conclusions to all the Japanese citizens and the world.

Being the very person whom the committing suicide human being rewrote is the report as there is not a mistake.

The matter this time is not interpolation and is rewriting.

Last night, NHK reported this ... The boss ordered that it is possible to rewrite to the rewriting party so he was too detailed.

It was saying that it made the document of the contents which are In short, it was to say that the document of the content which is not concise is to be a concise written = final document which only wrote the abstract.

Of producing only the human resources which take a nucleus in Japan As that I was learning in the eminent preparatory school for higher education of Japan is previously mentioned

The hometown is Sendai.

I chose Osaka as the stage of my life, so I never met my classmates.

However, it was informed that it was doing the director of the noble family company of the classmate where one represents Kansai when being (it isn't exaggerated even if it says that all was familiar though) from the classmate who is in Sendai.

I requested a contact.

Three people were in Osaka.

It drank the alcohol which is not any more at the suited tavern in the place of our reunion and is good which is in... Yodoya-bashi as much as not exaggerated even if it says to be... Urashima Taro really after a long time.

One of them K was a big company representing Japan and was carrying the board of directors.

It is when making the exchange of the e-mail him.

I had finding fault done when my sentences are long from him.

For the he reason, he to say an overview to the conference in the company within several minutes from usually, the document is guiding subordinates severely to the style to write an overview in one sheet of A4.

He understands my feelings but there are too many extra parts and wasteful parts in my sentences.

You should write down only the abstract in a shorter time.

For example, Mr. Kobayashi, the Japanese Association of Corporate Executives representative who did the press conference which takes part in the administration attack, putting on a face like a palladium of the democracy suddenly, too, should have done a similar guide many times to the subordinate.

That there was a thing to be unnecessary and to be unnecessary for the document which the person of the committing suicide non-career writes much was being unexpectedly told by the report of NHK.

Moreover, it was telling being the person of the status of the tendency for this person to commit suicide about the suicide of this person, too, unexpectedly.

This draft continues.

Is not there a small number of viewers who knew that the truth in this case was tell last night?

2018年03月16日 19時13分04秒 | 日記

As I already mentioned, I have stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, so I do not know how Asahi wrote about the recent uproar that the Asahi newspaper started again,

It wants to overwhelm the Abe administration at any cost, or to weaken the Abe administration. Anyway it goes without saying that China and the Korean Peninsula are pleased with the excitement ... I noticed the thing which is not exaggerated even if it said that was the fabrication report of Asahi Shimbun last night.

Naturally, I do not see the news station nor the news 23 at all. It is Fuji Telecasting Co.'s Alpha and Television Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd.'s WBS that it is seeing instead in the commercial broadcasting though.

I mainly watch NHK's 7 o'clock news and watch 9.

Is not there a small number of viewers who knew that the truth in this case was tell last night?

Now, against this uproar, the lowest Smerdyakov ... The illegitimate children who were made to have, depending on GHQ after the war, depending on the Comintern from the prewar days,

... The politicians of the opposition party which is the illegitimate children who have the brain to only hate Japan which is a father,

It is using the non-career human of the Kinki Bureau of Treasury who committed suicide like an amulet for attack of regime.

As for the real fact of this person, too, last night, for the first time, NHK reported.

It was obvious that they reported on the intention to do for their biased coverage without assuming that a viewer of keen-eyed owner like me,

There was truth there as well.

When there was a report that this person committed suicide, in the chapter that I sent out ... in a state that I do not know the circumstances at all, it did not exist politicians of the opposition party but it deletes this part today.

Last night, NHK had told that this time the riot was intentional coverage of the Asahi newspaper again.

This draft continues.

Is not there a small number of viewers who knew that the truth in this case was tell last night?

2018年03月16日 19時11分35秒 | 日記

As I already mentioned, I have stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, so I do not know how Asahi wrote about the recent uproar that the Asahi newspaper started again,

I want to overwhelm the Abe administration at any cost, or to weaken the Abe administration. Anyway it goes without saying that China and the Korean Peninsula are pleased with the excitement ... I noticed the thing which is not exaggerated even if it said that was the fabrication report of Asahi Shimbun last night.

Naturally, I do not see the news station nor the news 23 at all. It is Fuji Telecasting Co.'s Alpha and Television Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd.'s WBS that it is seeing instead in the commercial broadcasting though.

I mainly watch NHK's 7 o'clock news and watch 9.

Is not there a small number of viewers who knew that the truth in this case was tell last night?

Now, against this uproar, the lowest Smerdyakov ... The illegitimate children who were made to have, depending on GHQ after the war, depending on the Comintern from the prewar days,

... The politicians of the opposition party which is the illegitimate children who have the brain to only hate Japan which is a father,

It is using the non-career human of the Kinki Bureau of Treasury who committed suicide like an amulet for attack of regime.

As for the real fact of this person, too, last night, for the first time, NHK reported.

It was obvious that they reported on the intention to do for their biased coverage without assuming that a viewer of keen-eyed owner like me,

There was truth there as well.

When there was a report that this person committed suicide, in the chapter that I sent out ... in a state that I do not know the circumstances at all, it did not exist politicians of the opposition party but it deletes this part today.

Last night, NHK had told that this time the riot was intentional coverage of the Asahi newspaper again.

This draft continues.

To prevent Japan from invading China or attacks by forged history from the Korean Peninsula

2018年03月16日 18時02分43秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Hyakuta Naoki, who served as an executive committee member of the NHK until the year before last year, said the NHK has how many foreign staffs there are, but finally, when it was not possible to obtain a clear answer, somewhere I was writing.

I wrote a paper that was not an overstatement saying that it is the most important elucidation after the war that, ‘Yesterday, the Asahi Shimbun, media that is in tune with it and so-called cultural people are Smerdyakov’, I sent to Japan and the world.

It is time for all the Japanese citizens to know that the people who control NHK's watch 9 are Smerdyakov itself.

To prevent Japan from invading China or attacks by forged history from the Korean Peninsula,

In response to arbitrary monetary requests from these countries, we must realize that the time to thrust NO before the Asahi Shimbun and NHK who have played their role as agents.

What on earth is the brain or the character which draws out the film which sticks a sharpened bamboo into the straw figure to defend that Maekawa?

So, government attacks become self-purpose and become quiddity and criticisms for criticism

2018年03月16日 17時27分13秒 | 日記

The following is a book I subscribed today, looking at advertisements of books in the lower row of the Sankei Shimbun.

Being a talk by Adachi Yasushi of the Kyoto University graduation with Ogawa Eitaro of the Osaka University graduation, too, is one of the reasons for subscribing.

The following is from p 40 to 41.


I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Impose an answer duty on the opposition first party, too.


Because it had had the talk of the Diet, let me say a word.

I think that the current media and the typical opposition party sees the National Assembly in a very narrow sense.

What is that, ‘State power and government is basically evil. The Diet is the place to pursue the government to do that bad thing.’ they are possessed with the idea that.

So, government attacks become self-purpose and become quiddity and criticisms for criticism.

However, the one, the purpose - the role of the original Diet, is being different.

Is it not the place where the Government party and the opposition party can be freely debated?

Whether I, 'Aho', 'Baka', or 'criminal', I have continued these remarks for a long time is also raising a question to ask about such significance. You can tell by observing European parliament, but ruling party (not government) and the opposition party face each other from the front, everywhere, including Britain, they are fighting intense debate.

The ruling party plans Plan A to try politics.

On the other hand, the opposition party will issue a plan B.

It is the highest institution of national rights, the National Assembly which is the only legislative body to debate whether plan A or plan B is good.

However, the current media and opposition parties' image of the National Assembly is in a very narrow sense and it is a place to criticize the ruling party. It is only a secondary function.

Nevertheless, there is always a problem consciousness in my opinion that the National Assembly should be returned to what it should be.


la réalité est plus vicieuse ... un ami traître pour le Japon et le peuple japonais.

2018年03月16日 12時55分48秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Même ainsi, c'est la montre 9 personnes qui sont terribles.
Utilisant un tel homme ... La technique consistant à essayer de planter leur vision masochiste de l'histoire aux téléspectateurs en utilisant positivement une méthode subliminale en utilisant le titre tel que le prix Nobel de littérature.
Cette femme qui porte le nom de Kuwako doit absolument respecter la haute école Matsui Yayori ... Elle est tristement célèbre, traître et il n'est pas exagéré de dire que c'est un traître.
Je pense la même idée que les pensées des grands idiots qui ne sont plus
Non, la réalité est plus vicieuse ... un ami traître pour le Japon et le peuple japonais.
Elle a dit que Kazuo Ishiguro a dit sa pensée, une vision masochiste de l'histoire et un prétendu moralisme de la part de 9 personnes y compris Okoshi, ou une pensée anti-japonaise ... ... que le passé du Japon est seulement avant la seconde guerre mondiale et pendant la guerre. pense, il pense la même idée que les pensées de plus de grands imbéciles, Kazuo Ishiguro a dit (à vrai dire, je me demande ce qu'ils l'ont fait parler comme ça),
Louez le plein sourire, dites sa stupide réflexion sur le passé, etc., "C'est un mot lourd", dit-elle à Arima de l'aile gauche qui s'effondre dans le siège suivant.
Il n'est pas exagéré de dire que plus de mal n'est nulle part.
Kuwako est plus vicieux que Matsu Yayori. Dans ce sournois.
Cette femme sourit plus que nécessaire pour tricher afin de cacher le fait d'avoir exactement la même pensée avec Matsu Yayori.
Quand elle regarde la scène de but du football, comment mettre dans ses mains n'est pas extraordinaire.
Elle répète l'extrême d'une fille qui joue la douce innocence qui est presque inconnue récemment.
Amener le spectateur à l'âge mental de 12 ans, c'est le plus sournois et donne une mauvaise impression.
"Les mots de Kazuo Ishiguro sur le passé japonais sont lourds, n'est-ce pas?"
C'est l'être humain le plus bas et le pire des voyous.
Pour Okoshi, etc., il ne fait aucun doute qu'il n'est plus sous-jacent.
Le Japon et les citoyens japonais ... en tant que pays de quitter cette montre aussi longtemps que le citoyen ... tant que la méchante propagande de la Chine et de l'Etat client de la péninsule coréenne ne peut être que comme ils le veulent, gardez à l'esprit que nous dois le mettre.

la realidad es más cruel ... un amigo traicionero para Japón y el pueblo japonés.

2018年03月16日 12時55分10秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
Aun así, es el reloj de 9 personas que son terribles.
Utilizando a un hombre así ... La técnica de intentar plantar su visión masoquista de la historia a los espectadores positivamente utilizando un método subliminal usando el título como el Premio Nobel de Literatura.
Esa lanzadora femenina llamada Kuwako definitivamente debe respetar al estudiante de último año Matsui Yayori ... Es un sinvergüenza, un traidor y no es una exageración decir que es un traidor.
Creo que la misma idea que los pensamientos de los grandes idiotas que ya no están
No, la realidad es más cruel ... un amigo traicionero para Japón y el pueblo japonés.
Ella dijo que Kazuo Ishiguro dijo que su pensamiento, visión masoquista de la historia y el falso moralismo de ver a nueve personas, incluido Okoshi, o el pensamiento antijaponés ... ... que el pasado de Japón es solo antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y durante la guerra Piensa, él piensa la misma idea que los pensamientos de no más grandes tontos, dijo Kazuo Ishiguro (a decir verdad, me pregunto qué le hicieron hablar así),
Elogie la sonrisa completa, diga su estúpida reflexión sobre el pasado, etc., "Es una palabra difícil", le dice a Arima del ala izquierda que se derrumba en el asiento contiguo.
No es exagerado decir que no hay más maldad en ninguna parte.
Kuwako es más vicioso que Matsu Yayori. En ese underhand.
Esta mujer sonríe más de lo necesario para hacer trampas y esconderse como el dueño de exactamente el mismo pensamiento con Matsu Yayori.
Cuando está viendo la escena del gol del fútbol, cómo poner en sus manos no es extraordinario.
Ella está repitiendo el extremo de una niña que interpreta al dulce inocente que casi no se ha descubierto recientemente.
Llevar al espectador a la edad mental de 12 años de edad, es el más clandestino y causa una mala impresión.
"Las palabras de Kazuo Ishiguro sobre el pasado japonés son pesadas, ¿no?"
Es el ser humano más bajo y el peor pícaro.
Para Okoshi, etc., no hay duda de que ya no está subordinado.
Japón y los ciudadanos japoneses ... como país para dejar este reloj 9 mientras el ciudadano ... siempre y cuando la perversa China y la propaganda de la Península Coreana del estado cliente solo puedan ser de la manera que ellos quieran, tenga en cuenta que tengo que ponerlo.

die Realität ist bösartiger ... ein verräterischer Freund für Japan und das japanische Volk.

2018年03月16日 12時54分38秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Trotzdem sind es die 9 Menschen, die schrecklich sind.
Einen solchen Mann zu benutzen ... Die Technik, ihre masochistische Geschichtsauffassung dem Betrachter positiv zu präsentieren, indem sie eine unterschwellige Methode mit dem Titel Nobelpreis für Literatur verwendet.
Dieser weibliche Zaubernde namens Kuwako muss unbedingt den College-Chef Matsui Yayori respektieren ... Es ist berüchtigter Schurke, Verräter und es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass es ein Verräter ist.
Ich denke die gleiche Idee wie die Gedanken der großen Idioten, die nicht mehr sind
Nein, die Realität ist bösartiger ... ein verräterischer Freund für Japan und das japanische Volk.
Sie sagte, dass Kazuo Ishiguro ihre Gedanken, masochistische Sicht der Geschichte und vorgeblichen Moralismus der Beobachtung von 9 Menschen einschließlich Okoshi oder antijapanischen Gedanken sagte, dass die Vergangenheit Japans erst vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg und während des Krieges sei denken Sie, er denkt die gleiche Idee wie die Gedanken von nicht mehr großen Dummköpfen, sagte Kazuo Ishiguro (um die Wahrheit zu sagen, ich frage mich, was sie ihn so reden lassen),
Loben Sie das volle Lächeln, sagen Sie sein dummes Nachdenken über die Vergangenheit usw., "Es ist ein schweres Wort", sagt sie zu Arima des linken Flügels, der auf dem nächsten Sitz zusammenbricht.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass kein Übel mehr nirgends ist.
Kuwako ist bösartiger als Matsu Yayori. In diesem Zusammenhang.
Diese Frau lächelt drüber mehr als nötig, um zu schummeln, um sich zu verstecken, der Eigentümer des genau gleichen Gedankens mit Matsu Yayori zu sein.
Wenn sie die Torszene des Fußballs beobachtet, ist es nicht außergewöhnlich, ihre Hände in die Hände zu bekommen.
Sie wiederholt das Extrem eines Mädchens, das den süßen Unschuldigen spielt, der in letzter Zeit fast unentdeckt ist.
Wenn man den Zuschauer ins geistige Alter von 12 Jahren bringt, ist es am hinterhältigsten und macht einen schlechten Eindruck.
"Kazuo Ishiguros Worte über die japanische Vergangenheit sind schwer, nicht wahr?"
Es ist der niedrigste Mensch und der schlimmste Schurke.
Für Okoshi usw. gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass es nicht mehr unterstellt wird.
Japan und die japanischen Bürger ... als ein Land, das diese Wache 9 so lange wie der Bürger verlässt ... solange die boshafte China und die koreanische Halbinsel Propaganda der Klientel nur so sein können, wie sie es wollen, denken wir daran muss es sagen.

a realidade é mais viciosa ... um amigo traiçoeiro para o Japão e os japoneses.

2018年03月16日 12時54分02秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
Mesmo assim, é o relógio 9 pessoas que são terríveis.
Utilizando um tal homem ... A técnica de tentar plantar sua visão masoquista da história aos espectadores de forma positiva usando um método subliminar usando o título, como o Prêmio Nobel de literatura.
Aquele rodante feminino chamado Kuwako definitivamente deve respeitar a faculdade Matsui Yayori ... É notório cachorra, traidorista e não é um exagero dizer que é um traidor.
Eu acho a mesma idéia que os pensamentos dos grandes idiotas que não são mais
Não, a realidade é mais viciosa ... um amigo traiçoeiro para o Japão e os japoneses.
Ela disse que Kazuo Ishiguro disse seu pensamento, visão masoquista da história e fingido-moralismo de assistir 9 pessoas, incluindo Okoshi, ou pensamento anti-japonês ... ... que o passado do Japão é apenas antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial e durante a guerra eles Pensar, ele pensa a mesma idéia que os pensamentos de não mais grandes tolos, Kazuo Ishiguro disse (para dizer a verdade, eu me pergunto o que o fizeram falar assim),
Elogie o sorriso cheio, diga sua estúpida reflexão sobre o passado, etc., "É uma palavra pesada", ela diz para Arima, da ala esquerda, desabando no próximo assento.
Não é exagero dizer que não há mais mal em nenhum lugar.
Kuwako é mais vicioso do que Matsu Yayori. Nessa falta.
Essa mulher sorri por mais do que o necessário para enganar, de modo a esconder-se sendo o dono de exatamente o mesmo pensamento com Matsu Yayori.
Quando ela está assistindo a cena do futebol, como colocar em suas mãos não é extraordinário.
Ela está repetindo o extremo de uma garota que interpreta o doce inocente que quase não foi descoberto recentemente.
Trazendo o espectador para a idade mental de 12 anos, é o mais fraco e põe uma má impressão.
"As palavras de Kazuo Ishiguro sobre o passado japonês são pesadas, não é?"
É o ser humano mais baixo e o pior malandro.
Para Okoshi, etc., não há dúvida de que não está subjugando mais.
O Japão e os cidadãos japoneses ... como um país para deixar este relógio 9 enquanto o cidadão ... enquanto a perversa China e a propaganda da Península Coreana do estado do cliente só puderem ser a maneira que eles querem, tenha em mente que nós Tenho que colocá-lo.


2018年03月16日 12時53分24秒 | 日記


현실은 더 악의적 인

2018年03月16日 12時52分47秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
그렇다고하더라도, 그것은 끔찍한 시계 9 명입니다.
그러한 사람을 활용 ... 노벨 문학상과 같은 제목을 사용하는 잠재 의식 방법을 적극적으로 사용하여 시청자에게 역사에 대한 자포자기적인 견해를 심어주는 기법.
쿠와 코라는 여성 캐스터는 반드시 마쓰이 야요리 (Maatsui Yayori) 선배를 존경해야합니다 ... 악명 높은 불량배이자 반역자이며 반역자라고 말하는 것은 과장이 아닙니다.
나는 더 이상 존재하지 않는 큰 바보들의 생각과 같은 생각을 가지고 있다고 생각한다.
아뇨, 현실은 더 악의적 인 ... 일본인과 일본인을위한 배신자.
그녀는 이시구로 카즈오가 오코시를 포함하여 9 명의 사람들, 또는 일본의 과거가 제 2 차 세계 대전 이전과 전쟁 중일 뿐이라는 반목 사상을 생각하면서 자신의 생각, 역사에 대한 자포자기적인 견해와 거짓된 도덕주의를 말했다고 말했다. 그는 더 이상 바보 같은 생각을하지 않는다고 생각한다. 이시구로 카즈오 (Kazuo Ishiguro)는 말했다.
완전한 웃음을 찬양하고 과거에 대한 어리 석음을 말하면서, "그것은 무거운 말이다."그녀는 아리마에게 다음 자리에서 무너지는 좌익 날개를 말한다.
더 이상 악의가 어디에도 없다고해도 과언이 아닙니다.
Kuwako는 Matsu Yayori보다 더 잔인합니다. 저 밑에.
이 여자는 Matsu Yayori와 똑같은 생각의 주인이되는 것을 숨기기 위해 속임수를 쓰는 것보다 더 많이 웃는다.
그녀가 축구의 목표 장면을보고있을 때, 그녀의 손에 넣는 방법은 특별하지 않습니다.
그녀는 최근에 거의 알려지지 않은 감미로운 순진한 연극을하는 여자의 극단을 반복하고있다.
시청자를 12 세의 정신 연령으로 끌어들이는 것은 가장 밑바닥이되어 나쁜 인상을줍니다.
카즈오 이시구로 (Kazuo Ishiguro)의 일본 과거에 관한 말은 무겁지 않습니까? "
그것은 가장 낮은 인간이며 최악의 도적입니다.
오코시 (Okoshi) 등에서는 더 이상 근거가 없다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없습니다.
일본과 일본 시민 ...이 시계를 시민 9 명까지 남겨 두는 나라로 ... 악의적 인 중국과 한반도의 한반도 선전이 그들이 원하는 대로만 할 수있는 한, 우리는 그것을 넣어야합니다.