文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

For some reason, they do not matter how to prepare a cast - iron defense system for that

2018年03月06日 22時35分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I do not know if the Asahi Shimbun got it from the prosecution or even the Ministry of Finance has undercover agents in China and the Korean Peninsula,

Moritomo problem = It is the lowest land as land ... It is a matter of selling the land which the Treasury Department had no choice but to be state owned by delinquency or something.

In the basement is a land that is buried in industrial waste that may be affordable, not only along the highway, but also on the ground just under the landing point of Itami airport.

In the real estate industry I have been engaged in, such land is said to be the land of giveaway price.

It is totally unnecessary that two of the neighbors have been sold to Toyonaka City etc. at giveaway price,

A person like Kagoike who was unaware of anyone in Japan and who is now arrested and imprisoned is said to be correct,

In order to attack the Prime Minister of the top of the Japanese Government,

They continued to make major news reports for more than half a year, not only stopped the national affairs,

But also the cases in falling the support rate to the government in opinion polls,

They are still picking up, continuing attacks on regime, incidents trying to weaken the administration,

I thought, watching this in the news.

A face-to-face of the opposition party including Fukushima Mizuho, who played a major role in spreading the fabrication of comfort women to the world,

Though it is reason that elementary school student knows that the Kinki Bureau of Finance cannot correspond, they visit to sit silently at a meeting,

The media will report this greatly.

Senkaku Islands, Okinawa,

Infringement on free navigation in the South China Sea,

When there is a serious crisis of national defense saying that the airspace like daily, violation of territorial waters is repeated,

For some reason, they do not matter how to prepare a cast - iron defense system for that,

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an attempt to try to sink Japan entirely with this Moritomo problem.

What they are telling is not that the Asia Shimbun but also the interior of the mass media based on NHK, the interior of the prosecution, and the confrontation of the opposition party, the undercover agent of China and the Korean Peninsula, who can say that it is not hiding!

Yes, I was convinced.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an attempt to try to sink Japan entirely with this

2018年03月06日 22時33分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I do not know if the Asahi Shimbun got it from the prosecution or even the Ministry of Finance has undercover agents in China and the Korean Peninsula,

Moritomo problem = It is the lowest land as land ... It is a matter of selling the land which the Treasury Department had no choice but to be state owned by delinquency or something.

In the basement is a land that is buried in industrial waste that may be affordable, not only along the highway, but also on the ground just under the landing point of Itami airport.

In the real estate industry I have been engaged in, such land is said to be the land of giveaway price.

It is totally unnecessary that two of the neighbors have been sold to Toyonaka City etc. at giveaway price,

A person like Kagoike who was unaware of anyone in Japan and who is now arrested and imprisoned is said to be correct,

In order to attack the Prime Minister of the top of the Japanese Government,

They continued to make major news reports for more than half a year, not only stopped the national affairs,

But also the cases in falling the support rate to the government in opinion polls,

They are still picking up, continuing attacks on regime, incidents trying to weaken the administration,

I thought, watching this in the news.

A face-to-face of the opposition party including Fukushima Mizuho, who played a major role in spreading the fabrication of comfort women to the world,

Though it is reason that elementary school student knows that the Kinki Bureau of Finance cannot correspond, they visit to sit silently at a meeting,

The media will report this greatly.

Senkaku Islands, Okinawa,

Infringement on free navigation in the South China Sea,

When there is a serious crisis of national defense saying that the airspace like daily, violation of territorial waters is repeated,

For some reason, they do not matter how to prepare a cast - iron defense system for that,

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an attempt to try to sink Japan entirely with this Moritomo problem.

What they are telling is not that the Asia Shimbun but also the interior of the mass media based on NHK, the interior of the prosecution, and the confrontation of the opposition party, the undercover agent of China and the Korean Peninsula, who can say that it is not hiding!

Yes, I was convinced.

In other words, when the worst situation for Japan, the Korean Peninsula holding the nuclear

2018年03月06日 22時28分49秒 | 日記

Further expansion of military ... China's defense expenditure increase by 8.1%, about 18.4 trillion yen, saying that the Senkaku Islands are the territory of their home country, when repeating invasion like every day,

The following is from Hiroshi Furuta's paper by expert on the world's leading Korean Peninsula


The Moon Jae-in regime now is that the Kim Dae Jung administration in 1998, the Roh Moo-hyun administration in 2003 and the pro-North Korean government which followed this pro-North Korea regime were supported by the above generation, and finally became the regime following North Korea Yes, it is built on the full victory of North Korea's work. First, in a society that kicks poor people fiercely in a social hierarchy such as Korea, the fact that the son of a Geojedo peddler can become a president is itself strange. Even assuming monetary assistance from somewhere, I think that it is not strange.


The following is from Mr. Tsutsumi Gyo's article.


It is a citizen group called Teitaikyo (Korean Council for Women Victims of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan) that supports them, but relationships with North Korea have been discussed from the early days.

Moon Jae - in is moving as this Teitaikyo says.

It was Moon during his days in an opposition party to let them restore the comfort woman statue in front of the Japanese consulate of Busan once removed.

Moon Jae-in's father is North Korean defectors, his roots are North Korea.

He is said to be pro-North Korea, but when I look at the political activities since Roh Moo-hyun's secretary general manager, it seems that the agent in the north is better.


When this Moon Jae-in tried to head North Korea to North and South Unification without the technique to check that North Korea will abolish nuclear weapons,

In other words, when the worst situation for Japan, the Korean Peninsula holding the nuclear weapons, is about to become reality more and more,

In this situation, how Japan should respond, not to mention it,

As if to look away from these things,

This article continues.




2018年03月06日 21時20分49秒 | 日記























私が従事して来た不動産業界では、このような土地の事を二束三文の土地と言うのである。(英語ではgiveaway priceの土地と言う。)
















2018年03月06日 10時27分38秒 | 日記




tenía artículos sobre las realidades de lo que China está haciendo en las Naciones Unidas.


nella società per dare il calcio ai poveri in modo feroce,


teve artigos sobre as realidades do que a China está fazendo nas Nações Unidas.


e le idee anti-giapponesi per i loro vizi ... sono tuoi.


anti-japonaises pour leurs vices ... sont les vôtres.


aveva articoli sulle realtà di ciò che la Cina sta facendo nelle Nazioni Unite.


Beaucoup de citoyens japonais


Teori 'Abe perdana menteri' di lantai 4 kediaman resmi




유엔에서 중국이하고있는


الإقامة الرسمي


The sin of NHK who is helping overseas promotion of that fake is heavy


Çin'in Birleşmiş Milletler'de yaptıklarının gerçekleri üzerine makaleler yayınladı.




Japon vatandaşlarının birçoğu


anti-Jepun untuk kejahatan mereka ... adalah milik anda.


были статьи о реалиях того




Die Theorie von 'Abe Premierminister' im 4. Stock des Amtssitzes


많은 일본 시민들이


La teoria del primo ministro Abe al 4 ° piano della residenza ufficiale


antijaponesas para sus vicios ... son tuyos.


공식 거주지


hatte Artikel über die Realitäten dessen, was China in den Vereinten Nationen macht.


Muchos de los ciudadanos japoneses


Teori 'Perdana Menteri Abe' di tingkat 4 kediaman rasmi




Abe-pääministerin teoria virallisen asunnon 4. kerroksessa


Pertama, seperti Korea di kelas, di masyarakat untuk mengusir orang-orang miskin


A teoria do "primeiro ministro Abe" no 4º andar da residência oficial


anti-japonesas para seus vícios ... são seus.


aveva articoli sulle realtà di ciò che la Cina sta facendo nelle Nazioni Unite.


Kebanyakan warga Jepun mungkin


Многие из японских граждан


It was necessary to tell to them who do not know labor from the value and the meaning


Viele der japanischen Bürger fühlen etwas tief und still, obwohl sie keine Worte sind


avait des articles sur les réalités de ce que fait la Chine aux Nations Unies.


Resmi ikametgahın 4. katında 'Abe Başbakan' teorisi


hade artiklar om verkligheten av vad Kina gör i FN.




oli artikkeleita siitä, mitä Kiina tekee Yhdistyneissä kansakunnissa.




und antijapanische Ideen für ihre Laster tun ... sind Ihre.


Monet japanilaiset kansalaise


Molti cittadini giapponesi possono


ทฤษฎี 'Abe Prime Minister'


Mange af de japanske borgere kan føle sig dybt og lydløst, selvom de ikke er ord


Muitos dos cidadãos japoneses


havde artikler om virkeligheden af, hvad Kina gør i FN.


Banyak warga Jepang mungkin


C'est encore plus que le budget

2018年03月06日 10時24分04秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Politique pour l'avenir
Le Premier ministre Abe a été élu en réponse à une modification des recettes fiscales qui devrait passer à 10% du taux de la taxe à la consommation prévu pour octobre 2019, et à des changements dans l'utilisation des recettes qui s'élèveraient à plus de 5 000 milliards de yens.
J'ai décidé de changer la politique initiale qui était censée utiliser 4 billions de yen pour rembourser la dette du pays et 1 billion de yens pour étendre la sécurité sociale et ajouter 2 billions de yens pour un supplément de bien-être supplémentaire.
Toutes ces mesures visent à alléger le risque d'accoucher et d'élever des enfants tels que l'éducation primaire gratuite.
Les mesures draconiennes, telles que l'appel à une personne âgée qui est considérée comme le groupe d'intérêts le plus important et le plus important, ne peuvent pas être sous un régime démocratique.
Il n'y a pas d'autre choix que d'augmenter les recettes fiscales et de les consacrer.
Je pense encore que c'était une étape dans la politique de bien-être du Japon.
Nous mettrons l'accent sur le bien-être non pas sur ceux qui ne le sont pas dans 20 ans, mais sur la génération vivante même 50 ans plus tard.
Cela revenait à réécrire le contrat social et il était difficile de demander l'opinion publique lors des élections.
La charge des prestations de sécurité sociale au Japon dépasse 120 000 milliards de yens.
C'est encore plus que le budget militaire total pour les cinq principaux pays de dépenses militaires, à savoir les États-Unis, la Chine, l'Arabie saoudite, la Russie et le Royaume-Uni.
Cela étant dit, les gens des États-Unis et d'autres sont également surpris.
Ce projet continue.

Esto es aún más que el presupuesto

2018年03月06日 10時23分22秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
Política para el futuro
El primer ministro Abe eligió las elecciones en respuesta a un cambio en los ingresos fiscales que se espera que aumenten al 10% de la tasa de impuesto al consumo prevista para octubre de 2019, y los cambios en el uso de los ingresos que se dice que son más de 5 billones de yenes.
Decidí cambiar la política original, que se suponía usaría 4 billones de yenes para pagar la deuda del país y 1 billón de yenes para expandir la seguridad social y agregar 2 billones de yenes para un bienestar adicional adicional.
Esas son todas las medidas para aligerar el riesgo de dar a luz y criar a los hijos, como la educación primaria gratuita.
Las medidas drásticas, como llamar a un anciano que se dice que es el grupo de intereses creados más fuerte y más grande, no pueden estar bajo un régimen democrático.
No hay más remedio que aumentar los ingresos fiscales y dedicarlo.
Aún así, creo que esta fue una etapa en la política de bienestar de Japón.
Enfocaremos el enfoque del bienestar no a aquellos que no lo están en 20 años, sino a la generación viviente incluso 50 años después.
Esto fue igual a reescribir el contrato social y fue un problema preguntarle a la opinión pública en las elecciones.
El gasto en prestaciones de seguridad social de Japón supera los 120 billones de yenes.
Esto es aún más que el presupuesto militar total para los cinco principales países de gasto militar, a saber, los Estados Unidos, China, Arabia Saudita, Rusia y el Reino Unido.
Dicho esto, la gente de los Estados Unidos y otros también están sorprendidos.
Este borrador continúa.

Dies ist immer noch mehr

2018年03月06日 10時22分39秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Politik für die Zukunft
Premierminister Abe wählte Wahlen als Antwort auf eine Änderung der Steuereinnahmen, die voraussichtlich auf 10% des für Oktober 2019 geplanten Verbrauchsteuersatzes steigen wird, sowie auf Änderungen bei der Verwendung von Einnahmen, die angeblich über 5 Billionen Yen betragen sollen.
Ich beschloss, die ursprüngliche Politik zu ändern, die 4 Billionen Yen für die Rückzahlung der Schulden des Landes und 1 Billion Yen für den Ausbau der sozialen Sicherheit und 2 Billionen Yen für zusätzliche Wohlfahrt zusätzlich verwenden sollte.
Das sind alles Maßnahmen, um das Risiko der Geburt und Erziehung von Kindern wie der kostenlosen Grundschulbildung zu verringern.
Die drastischen Maßnahmen wie die Forderung nach einer älteren Person, die als stärkste und größte Interessensgruppe gilt, können nicht unter demokratischem Regime stehen.
Es gibt keine andere Wahl, als die Steuereinnahmen zu erhöhen und sie zu verwenden.
Dennoch denke ich, dass dies ein Schritt in Japans Wohlfahrtspolitik war.
Wir werden den Fokus der Wohlfahrt nicht auf diejenigen richten, die nicht in 20 Jahren sind, sondern auf die lebende Generation, selbst 50 Jahre später.
Das war gleichbedeutend damit, den Gesellschaftsvertrag neu zu schreiben, und es war ein Problem, die öffentliche Meinung bei der Wahl zu fragen.
Japans Sozialleistungskosten übersteigen 120 Billionen Yen.
Dies ist immer noch mehr als das gesamte Militärbudget für die fünf großen Militärausgabenländer, nämlich die Vereinigten Staaten, China, Saudi-Arabien, Russland und das Vereinigte Königreich.
Allerdings sind auch Menschen aus den USA und andere überrascht.
Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

Este é ainda mais do que o orçamento

2018年03月06日 10時21分54秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
Política para o futuro
O primeiro-ministro Abe elege eleições em resposta a uma mudança nas receitas fiscais que deverá aumentar para 10% da taxa de imposto de consumo prevista para outubro de 2019 e as mudanças no uso de receitas que se diz serem mais de 5 trilhões de ienes.
Eu decidi mudar a política original que deveria usar 4 trilhões de ienes para reembolsar a dívida do país e 1 trilhão de ienes para expandir a segurança social e adicionar 2 trilhões de ienes para o bem-estar adicional, adicionalmente.
São todas as medidas para aliviar o risco de dar à luz e criar crianças, como o ensino primário gratuito.
As medidas drásticas, como o chamado a um idoso que se diz ser o grupo de interesse mais forte e maior, não podem estar sob regime democrático.
Não há outra opção senão aumentar a receita fiscal e devotá-la.
Ainda acho que este foi um estágio na política de bem-estar do Japão.
Concentraremos o foco do bem-estar não para aqueles que não estão em 20 anos, mas para a geração viva mesmo 50 anos depois.
Isso equivalia a reescrever o contrato social e foi um problema pedir a opinião pública na eleição.
A despesa de benefício previdenciário do Japão excede 120 trilhões de ienes.
Este é ainda mais do que o orçamento militar total para os cinco principais países de gastos militares, os Estados Unidos, a China, a Arábia Saudita, a Rússia e o Reino Unido.
Dito isto, pessoas dos Estados Unidos e outros também estão surpresas.
Este rascunho continua.


2018年03月06日 10時21分20秒 | 日記


이것은 여전히 5 대

2018年03月06日 10時20分40秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
미래를위한 정책
아베 총리는 2019 년 10 월에 예정된 세율의 10 %에 달할 것으로 예상되는 세수의 변화와 5 조 엔을 넘는 세수의 사용 변화에 따라 선거를 치렀다.
나는 국가의 부채를 상환하기 위해 4 조엔을, 사회 복지를 확대하고 추가 복지를 위해 2 조 엔을 추가로 추가하기 위해 1 조 엔을 사용하기로되어 있었던 원래 정책을 변경하기로 결정했다.
이것이 무료 초등 교육과 같은 출산 및 자녀 양육의 위험을 줄이기위한 모든 조치입니다.
가장 강력하고 큰 기득권층이라고하는 노인을 요구하는 등 과감한 조치는 민주주의 체제 아래에있을 수 없다.
세수입을 늘리고이를 바칠뿐 다른 선택의 여지가 없습니다.
아직도 이것이 일본의 복지 정책의 한 단계라고 생각합니다.
우리는 복지의 초점을 20 년이 아닌 50 년 후에도 살아있는 세대에 초점을 맞출 것입니다.
이것은 사회 계약서를 다시 작성하는 것과 같았고 선거에서 여론을 묻는 것은 문제였다.
일본의 사회 보장 급여비는 120 조엔을 초과합니다.
이는 미국, 중국, 사우디 아라비아, 러시아, 영국 등 5 대 군비 지출 국가의 총 군사 예산보다 여전히 많은 것입니다.
미국과 다른 사람들도 놀랐다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.

Это еще больше, чем общий

2018年03月06日 10時20分02秒 | 日記

Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.
Политика будущего
Премьер-министр Абэ избрал выборы в ответ на изменение налоговых поступлений, ожидаемых до 10% от ставки налога на потребление, запланированной на октябрь 2019 года, и изменения в использовании доходов, которые, как говорят, составляют более 5 триллионов иен.
Я решил изменить первоначальную политику, которая должна была использовать 4 триллиона иен для погашения долга страны и 1 триллион иен для расширения социального обеспечения и дополнительно добавить 2 триллиона иен для дополнительного обеспечения.
Это все меры для облегчения риска рождения и воспитания детей, таких как бесплатное начальное образование.
Резкие меры, такие как призыв к пожилым людям, которые, как говорят, являются самой сильной и крупнейшей группой заинтересованных групп, не могут находиться под демократическим режимом.
Другого выбора нет, кроме как увеличить налоговые поступления и посвятить его.
Тем не менее я считаю, что это был этап в политике благосостояния Японии.
Мы сосредоточим внимание на благосостоянии не на тех, кто не через 20 лет, а на живом поколении даже через 50 лет.
Это было равносильно переписыванию социального контракта, и было проблемой задать общественное мнение на выборах.
Расходы на социальное обеспечение Японии превышают 120 триллионов иен.
Это еще больше, чем общий военный бюджет для пяти основных стран военных расходов, а именно США, Китая, Саудовской Аравии, России и Великобритании.
При этом люди из США и других также удивлены.
Этот проект продолжается.

Ini masih lebih daripada jumlah bajet

2018年03月06日 10時18分58秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan bab sebelumnya.
Dasar untuk masa depan
Perdana Menteri Abe memilih pilihan raya sebagai tindak balas kepada perubahan dalam hasil cukai yang dijangka meningkat kepada 10% daripada kadar cukai penggunaan yang dirancang untuk Oktober 2019, dan perubahan penggunaan pendapatan yang dikatakan melebihi 5 trilion yen.
Saya memutuskan untuk mengubah dasar asal yang sepatutnya menggunakan 4 trilion yen untuk membayar hutang negara dan 1 trilion yen untuk mengembangkan keselamatan sosial dan menambah 2 trilion yen untuk kebajikan tambahan.
Itulah semua langkah untuk meringankan risiko melahirkan dan menaikkan anak seperti pendidikan rendah percuma.
Langkah-langkah drastik, seperti memanggil orang tua yang dikatakan sebagai kumpulan kepentingan yang paling kuat dan terbesar, tidak boleh berada di bawah rejim demokrasi.
Tidak ada pilihan lain selain meningkatkan pendapatan cukai dan mengabdikannya.
Masih saya fikir ini adalah satu peringkat dasar kebajikan Jepun.
Kami akan menumpukan tumpuan kebajikan bukan kepada mereka yang tidak dalam 20 tahun, tetapi kepada generasi hidup walaupun 50 tahun kemudian.
Ini sama dengan menulis semula kontrak sosial dan ia menjadi masalah untuk menanyakan pendapat umum dalam pilihan raya.
Perbelanjaan manfaat keselamatan sosial Jepun melebihi 120 trilion yen.
Ini masih lebih daripada jumlah belanjawan ketenteraan bagi lima negara perbelanjaan ketenteraan utama, iaitu Amerika Syarikat, China, Arab Saudi, Rusia dan UK.
Bahwa dikatakan, orang dari Amerika Syarikat dan yang lain juga terkejut.
Draf ini berterusan.

Tämä on edelleen yli viisi suurta sotilaslähtömaata yhteensä sotilasbudjetista

2018年03月06日 10時18分24秒 | 日記

Seuraavassa on edellisen luvun jatko.
Tulevaisuuden politiikka
Pääministeri Abe valitsi vaaleja vastauksena verotulojen muutokseen, jonka odotetaan nousevan 10 prosenttiin lokakuun 2019 suunnitellusta kulutusverokannasta ja tulojen käytön muutoksista, joiden sanotaan olevan yli 5 biljoonaa jeniä.
Päätin muuttaa alkuperäistä politiikkaa, jonka oli tarkoitus käyttää 4 biljoonaa jeniä maan velan takaisinmaksuun ja 1 biljoonaa jeniä sosiaaliturvan laajentamiseen ja 2 triljoonaa jeniä lisäämään ylimääräistä hyvinvointia.
Kaikki ovat toimenpiteitä, joilla keventää syntymän ja kasvatuksen riskiä, kuten ilmaista peruskoulutusta.
Raskaat toimenpiteet, kuten vanhusten kehottaminen, joiden sanotaan olevan vahvin ja suurin kiinnostusryhmä, eivät voi olla demokraattisen hallinnon alaisia.
Ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin lisätä verotuloja ja kohdentaa sen.
Silti uskon, että tämä oli vaihe Japanin hyvinvointipolitiikassa.
Keskitymme hyvinvoinnin keskittymiseen ei niille, jotka eivät ole 20-vuotiaita, vaan elävästä sukupolvesta jopa 50 vuotta myöhemmin.
Tämä oli sama kuin yhteiskunnallisen sopimuksen uudelleenkirjoitus, ja se oli ongelma, joka pyysi kansalaisten mielipidettä vaaleissa.
Japanin sosiaaliturvaetuuskuluja ylittää 120 biljoonaa jeniä.
Tämä on edelleen yli viisi suurta sotilaslähtömaata, nimittäin Yhdysvallat, Kiina, Saudi-Arabia, Venäjä ja Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta.
Tästä huolimatta ihmiset Yhdysvalloista ja muista ovat myös yllättyneitä.
Tämä luonnos jatkuu.

Bu, beş büyük askeri harcama ülkesi için hala toplam askeri bütçeden daha fazla

2018年03月06日 10時17分48秒 | 日記

Aşağıda, bir önceki bölümün devamı bulunmaktadır.
Gelecek için politika
Başbakan Abe, Ekim 2019'da planlanan tüketim vergisinin% 10'una yükselmesi beklenen vergi gelirlerinde meydana gelecek bir değişikliğe ve 5 trilyon yen'in üzerinde olduğu söylenen gelirlerin kullanımındaki değişikliğe tepki olarak seçimler yaptı.
Ülkemin borcunu ödemek için 4 trilyon yen, sosyal güvenlik alanını genişletmek için 1 trilyon yen, ek refah için ek olarak 2 trilyon yen eklemeliymiş orijinal politikayı değiştirmeye karar verdim.
Bu, doğum yapma riskini hafifletmek ve ücretsiz ilköğretim gibi çocuk yetiştirmek için tüm önlemlerdir.
En kuvvetli ve en büyük menfaat sahibi grup olduğu söylenen bir yaşlıyı çağırmak gibi sert önlemler demokratik rejim altında olamaz.
Vergi gelirini artırmak ve adamak üzere başka seçeneği yok.
Yine de, bunun Japonya'nın refah politikasında bir aşama olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Refahın odak noktasını, 20 yıldır olmayanlara değil, 50 yıl sonrasına kadar yaşayan nesle odaklanacağız.
Bu, toplumsal sözleşmeyi yeniden yazmaya eşitti ve seçimde kamuoyuna sorulması bir sorundu.
Japonya'nın sosyal güvenlik yardım parası 120 trilyon yen'i aşıyor.
Bu, beş büyük askeri harcama ülkesi olan Birleşik Devletler, Çin, Suudi Arabistan, Rusya ve Birleşik Krallık için toplam askeri bütçeden daha fazla.
Söyleniyor, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden insanlar ve diğerleri de şaşırıyor.
Bu taslak devam ediyor.