
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2020年09月08日 14時46分20秒 | 全般

彼らの頭脳がWar Guilt Information Program(WGIP)によって洗脳されたままである事、

イギリスの高等教育専門誌「Times Higher Education(THE)」の「THE世界大学ランキング」が、2004年から公開している世界的な大学ランキングが、そのニュースソースだった。

世界大学評価機関の英国クアクアレリ・シモンズ(Quacquarelli Symonds、以下QS)は2019年6月19日、世界大学ランキング2020を発表した。
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No quiero tener una relación cercana con un país así,

2020年09月08日 14時42分24秒 | 全般

Este documento auténtico y basado únicamente en hechos, del mejor conocedor coreano del mundo, es una lectura obligada para todos aquellos que se toman en serio la propaganda antijaponesa de Corea.
La gente que ha venido a condenar a Japón favorece a China y Corea del Sur, la tierra de la maldad abismal y las mentiras descaradas.
Gente que ha denunciado a Japón con pseudo-moralismo y rectitud.
Debes saber de inmediato lo ignorante y estúpido que eres.
Si no lo sabes, serás castigado en el infierno como el ser humano más vicioso del siglo XXI, más malvado que China y Corea.

Katsumi Murotani, uno de los principales expertos mundiales en Corea, ha estado escribiendo una serie de artículos en Hanada, una revista mensual, titulada "La forma de nuestro país vecino", que es una lectura obligada no solo para los ciudadanos japoneses sino también para Gente alrededor del mundo.
Lo siguiente es de su artículo, titulado "Viento loco en la cultura del acoso de poder y el acoso sexual", que apareció en el número de Hanada.
La cara trasera del grupo de derechos humanos es el jefe de un fanático del sexo.
Durante la dinastía Joseon, la península de Corea era una sociedad donde los de "alto rango" (yangban) no eran acusados ​​de ningún delito, sin importar lo que les hicieran a los que estaban debajo de ellos.
Esta tradición continúa hasta el día de hoy.
La única excepción fueron los 36 años de dominio imperial japonés.
Con la abolición del sistema de estatus, yangban desapareció, pero en la era posterior, los "altos rangos" y los "ricos" eran efectivamente yangban.
Fue una época en la que se decía que "no eran culpables de ningún delito".
Hoy en día, "aquellos cercanos al régimen de Moon Jae-in" y "aquellos que pertenecen a organizaciones que apoyan al régimen de Moon Jae-in" se están convirtiendo en el "nuevo estrato de poder" que trasciende la ley.
Se dice que los yangban del régimen de la dinastía Joseon también hicieron lo que quisieron con la violación.
Corea del Sur hoy es también una nación de delitos sexuales.
Existen varias teorías al respecto, dependiendo de la interpretación técnica de las estadísticas delictivas, pero se dice que la incidencia de violación es diez veces mayor que en Japón.
Es una tradición sociocultural que "los superiores son dominantes con los subordinados".
Si esto se combina con el estado actual de Corea como un país con las tasas más altas de delitos sexuales, lo que ocurrirá es un acto de acoso sexual del tipo de poder.
El acoso sexual de tipo poder lo llamo 'poder-sexual hará'.
No es raro que los diplomáticos surcoreanos cometan acoso sexual por poder en sus puestos en el extranjero.
La excusa dada por el perpetrador, el diplomático, son a menudo "diferencias culturales".
Me hace preguntarme si el acoso sexual por poder es parte de la cultura coreana moderna.
El alcalde de Busan y el alcalde de Seúl son comparables al alcalde de Osaka y al gobernador de Tokio en Japón.
Estos dos hombres fueron acusados ​​de acoso sexual por poder con menos de tres meses de diferencia.
El alcalde de Busan, Oh Keo-don, renunció en abril de este año después de que su secretaria lo acusara de ser un hara de poder sexual, dejándolo con la vaga declaración: "No recuerdo, pero admito los cargos.
El alcalde de Seúl, Park Won-Sun, se suicidó en julio de este año cuando se enteró de que su secretaria lo había acusado de poder-hara sexual.
Oh Keo-don era conocido por ser un "amigo" de Moon Jae-In desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque se rumoreaba que era una figura.
Probablemente sea por eso. Ni la policía ni los fiscales parecen estar haciendo nada al respecto.
Park Won Soon tiene mucho en común con Moon Jae-in.
Fue compañero de Moon Jae-in en el examen de la abogacía, y ambos se han promocionado como "abogados de derechos humanos".
Park ganó el primer juicio por poder sexual y hara en Corea del Sur como abogado. Es increíblemente apasionado por el tema de las mujeres de solaz. En diciembre de 2000, se desempeñó como fiscal representando a Corea del Sur en el Tribunal Internacional de Crímenes de Guerra de Mujeres sobre la Esclavitud Sexual Militar de Japón (juicio simulado), que resultó en que el Emperador Showa fuera condenado por asesinar a más de 100,000 mujeres coreanas. Indicó los cargos de entrega forzada y abuso como mujer de consuelo militar japonesa.
Como alcalde, se ha comprometido a "crear una ciudad donde las mujeres puedan sentirse seguras".
Era un político populista y candidato para el próximo presidente de Corea, famoso por sus políticas de bienestar de efectivo y saldo y su política de pie.
Pero detrás de escena, seleccionó a una mujer como su secretaria que le llamó la atención cuando recorrió las instalaciones adjuntas de la ciudad y la hizo tomar una siesta en una pequeña habitación de la oficina del alcalde y cuidar su ropa interior después de tomar una ducha.
También envió una foto de su ropa interior (local en los rumores coreanos) por correo electrónico y continuó haciendo avances.
Se sospecha que su hijo esquivó el servicio militar (no puedes evadir el servicio militar a menos que tus padres ejerzan el poder).
En el frente, es un "feminista de los derechos humanos", y en el reverso, es un "jefe de un fanático del sexo que usa una sombra de poder".
Esta persona podría ser el próximo presidente de Corea.

Se supone que Park Won-Sun estuvo "tan ocupado con los asuntos del estado que perdió las posesiones de su familia, y todo lo que le quedó fue un pozo y un muro", que es la excepción de la excepción en Corea del Sur.
La declaración de propiedad requerida a los titulares de cargos públicos muestra que tiene más pasivos que activos, menos 700 millones de wones ($ 700 millones).
Sin embargo, su automóvil es un Lexus, y la fundación que tiene el poder real ha recibido grandes donaciones de Toyota.
Puede que no pase mucho tiempo antes de que se levanten acusaciones de fondos ilícitos contra la familia Park Won.
Lamió las mejillas de Moon Jae-in.
En cuanto a pertenecer al partido gobernante de Moon Jae-in, jefe de autonomía local, poder-acoso sexual, el gobernador de la provincia de Chungcheongnam del Sur, Ahn Hee-jung, también conmocionó a Corea del Sur.
Luchó con Moon hasta el último minuto en la elección para determinar el candidato presidencial del Partido Demócrata de Corea (PDJ) y perdió.
Pero tan pronto como Moon ganó las elecciones, se acercó a él en el podio en la celebración y lo abrazó, lamiendo su mejilla.
Eso fue asqueroso. Me preguntaba si este hombre era maricón.
Pero la respuesta coreana fue: "Fue reconfortante felicitarlo por competir con sus superiores.
Veo que la cultura es diferente.
No es explícito si es homosexual o no. Aún así, fue descalificado cuando su secretaria lo acusó de acoso sexual por poder en medio de la emoción del movimiento MeToo.
Planeó hacer que la mujer acusada pareciera una "chica mala".
Era una práctica común para quienes tenían poder hacerlo, pero otra mujer lo acusó de acoso sexual por el poder, y él tuvo la oportunidad de ganar.
En septiembre de 2007, fue condenado a una pena de prisión por el Tribunal Supremo (se podría decir que el Tribunal Supremo aún no había sido absorbido por el "nuevo grupo de poder" en esta etapa.
El Nihon Keizai Shimbun (9 de septiembre de 2019), que informó sobre sentencias de prisión, dijo:
Era más de diez años más joven que el Sr. Moon, tenía un rostro atractivo y muchas mujeres admiradoras, y era uno de los candidatos más probables para el puesto 'post-Moon'.
Dos políticos que supuestamente serían candidatos para el próximo presidente de los Estados Unidos han desaparecido debido al acoso sexual de poder de la secretaria de su subordinada.
De no haber sido por las acusaciones, una de ellas podría haber sido el "presidente enmascarado".
Corea del Sur es realmente un país aterrador.

Los acusadores lo van a pasar muy mal.
Ahn Hee-jung, Oh Keo-don y Park Won-soon, los tres pertenecían al gobernante Partido Democrático de Corea.
Para el presidente Moon Jae-in, eran colegas jóvenes que le dieron una lamida en la mejilla, viejos "amigos" y el jefe de la ciudad capital que había pasado el examen de la barra.
Todos ellos tienen una estrecha relación entre ellos, sin embargo, no ha habido comentarios oficiales del presidente sobre los casos de estos tres hombres.
Respecto al caso más reciente, el "Park Won-pronto el poder-acoso sexual suicidio", dijo el portavoz de la oficina presidencial, "nos gustaría ofrecer palabras de condolencia a las víctimas". En cuanto a los comentarios oficiales del presidente, dijo: "Tan pronto como se descubra la verdad ... Se le permitió tenerla".
Pero con la muerte del imputado, la investigación policial ya está cerrada.
La verdad nunca se descubrirá, por lo que no hay comentarios del presidente.
Y, según el Chosun Ilbo (25 de julio de 2020), un "funcionario" de la oficina del presidente dijo que "otro funcionario" de la oficina del vocero quiso "ofrecer palabras de simpatía" al acusado: "Es la opinión personal del vocero". y no representa al Cheong-Wa Dae (Oficina del Presidente).
En el apogeo del movimiento MeToo, dijo Moon.
"Espero que si hay una revelación de la víctima ... se investigará activamente incluso si la víctima no ha sido acusada".
"El acto de un hombre fuerte que pisotea a una mujer débil por la fuerza o el estatus, en cualquier forma de violencia o relación, debe ser severamente castigado, independientemente del estatus o posición del perpetrador".
'Quiero que el gobierno movilice todos sus medios con la idea de erradicar radicalmente la violencia sexual que se ha arraigado en todos los rincones de la sociedad'.
"Espero que tomen medidas meticulosas para garantizar que las víctimas, especialmente aquellas que han sido lo suficientemente valientes para revelar los hechos de su daño, no sufran daños secundarios o desventajas". (Todo lo anterior, Yonhap News, 26 de febrero de 2018)
El presidente, que ha declarado hasta ahora, se ha sentido sofocado por el escándalo de los tres hombres.
No sólo eso, sino que el partido gobernante ha acuñado el neologismo "víctima denunciante" para describir a la secretaria que acusó al alcalde de Seúl de mala conducta.
El matiz del término es "una mujer que grita que ha sido víctima".
Probablemente signifique que no reconocen que son "víctimas".

Además, fuerzas de la periferia del régimen de izquierda han acusado a la representante de la víctima (un abogado) de acusarla falsamente de ayudar e incitar a la víctima.
Significa que los "nuevos poderes fácticos" no solo tolerarán el acoso sexual de poder, sino que también se asegurarán de que la persona que lo reveló tenga un mal momento.

El carácter nacional del pueblo ya se olvida de las filas del mal.
Se dice que Corea es un país con una "cultura crujiente".
La palabra "crujiente" significa "rápido, rápido" y se puede decir que la gente está impaciente.
Pero quizás las personas impacientes sean fáciles de olvidar.
No, tal vez sea porque tantos escándalos terribles, accidentes trágicos y catástrofes políticas suceden una tras otra que es difícil recordar cuál fue la última moda no hace mucho tiempo.
En retrospectiva, esta primavera, la opinión pública contraria al régimen estuvo a la altura de la propagación del nuevo coronavirus y, en particular, la incapacidad de detener la afluencia de personal de China, que era la mayor fuente de infección.
A continuación, el alcalde de Seúl acusó al gurú de la religión Shinchonji de asesinar a un grupo de personas en una ceremonia religiosa.
Él era un jugador de pie.
Y cuando comenzaron las elecciones parlamentarias, el campo gobernante lanzó un "estado de ánimo antijaponés", etiquetando a los principales políticos de la oposición como "projaponeses" e interrumpiendo sus actividades de campaña.
El resultado de las elecciones fue una gran victoria para el partido gobernante. Sin embargo, poco después, se hizo otro escándalo cuando se publicaron las estadísticas, que mostraban que el número de personal despedido era el más alto de la historia.
Pero no mucho después, salió a la luz el escándalo financiero de Justicia y Memoria Solidaria, o la Coalición de Cosas Malvadas, que había tomado con calma el tema de las mujeres de solaz.
Las acusaciones contra Justicia Memoria Solidaria, una representativa "nueva estructura de poder", duraron bastante tiempo.
Pero fue el presunto suicidio del alcalde de Seúl en busca de poder lo que lo ahogó de una vez por todas.
Los fiscales entrevistaron al exrepresentante de Justicia Solidaria, Yoon Mee-hyang, ahora miembro del Partido Demócrata de la Asamblea Nacional de Corea, menos de dos meses y medio después de que se descubrieron las acusaciones.
La policía, los fiscales y los tribunales han dicho ahora: "Ya destruyeron las pruebas, ¿no es así?
La policía, los fiscales y los tribunales ahora son parte de la "nueva estructura de poder" en lugar de "perros del régimen".
La policía, los fiscales y los tribunales bajo el régimen de Moon Jae-in están trabajando de la misma manera que durante la dinastía Joseon, cuando el yangban a cargo de dirigir los asuntos del régimen absolvería a sus compañeros yangban si los interrogaban.
La opinión pública que estaba maldiciendo al ex representante de Justice Solidarity, Yoon Mee-hyang, ha desaparecido.
Los fiscales investigarán solo las ramas, y los tribunales encontrarán que el baúl fue un error por descuido sin malicia y agrado.
El presunto suicidio del alcalde de Seúl en un escándalo de acoso sexual y de poder también ha desaparecido del radar.
La razón de esto es que los precios de la vivienda han aumentado considerablemente.
Según datos publicados por un grupo de investigación económica de izquierda, los precios inmobiliarios han aumentado un 7,6% durante los cuatro años de la administración de Park Geun-hye.
Antes de eso, la administración de Lee Myung-bak experimentó un aumento del 2.0 por ciento.
La administración de Moon Jae-in ha experimentado un aumento del 52% en tres años.
Aumenta en función del número de propiedades negociadas y no significa que los alquileres suban inmediatamente.
Sin embargo, las tasas impositivas sobre una variedad de artículos relacionados con bienes raíces han aumentado significativamente.
No es solo que el empresario medio ya no pueda comprar una casa / apartamento.
Se pedirá a los inquilinos que paguen un tremendo aumento de precio en el próximo período de renovación.
Creo que muchas personas sienten que ya no pueden ser molestadas por la supuesta malversación de Justicia Solidaria o el caso de búsqueda de poder del alcalde de Seúl.

Diplomáticos en sus puestos en todo el mundo
Pero mientras lo hacía, salió a la luz el siguiente caso de acoso sexual por poder.
El incidente tuvo tres años y fue cubierto por medios menores en abril de este año, pero hubo poca respuesta.
Un diplomático surcoreano destinado en Nueva Zelanda fue acusado de tocar repetidamente las nalgas y la entrepierna de un hombre local.
Sin embargo, con inmunidad diplomática, regresó a casa sin responder a la investigación policial de Nueva Zelanda.
Después de una investigación interna, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores lo castigó con un "recorte salarial mensual" y luego lo envió como cónsul general en Manila.
Ese es el resumen del incidente.
El acoso de poder por parte de diplomáticos surcoreanos "promedia dos veces al año", según una teoría.
Según los registros disponibles, hubo otro caso de acoso sexual por poder por parte de un diplomático coreano en Nueva Zelanda en julio de 2013.
En 2016, un diplomático surcoreano destinado en Chile acosó sexualmente a dos niñas.

En 2017, un diplomático surcoreano en Etiopía cometió el acoso sexual por poder de un funcionario local.
Una investigación reveló que el embajador también había cometido acoso sexual por poder a funcionarios locales.
En el mismo año, diplomático en Rusia, y en 2018, diplomático en Pakistán e India.
No es inusual que un diplomático coreano sea citado a un puesto en Japón por acoso sexual por poder.
Es un hombre de piel gruesa que no puede salir contigo.
No es un diplomático, pero un portavoz que acompañó a la presidenta Park Geun-hye en Estados Unidos en 2012 obligó al trabajador coreano a tiempo parcial que fue contratado temporalmente localmente a imponer "costumbres coreanas" y se convirtió en un gran problema.
En este caso, la "costumbre coreana" parece haber sido que yangban, que viajó al campo, convirtió a un esclavo propiedad de un esclavo propiedad del gobierno en un noctámbulo.
El hecho de que fuera un portavoz del presidente lo convirtió en un gran problema, pero el acoso sexual por poder de los diplomáticos no es infrecuente, por lo que no le dio mucha importancia.
Sin embargo, el acoso sexual por poder de los diplomáticos homosexuales de Nueva Zelanda se ha convertido en un gran problema.
El primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda llamó directamente al presidente Moon Jae-in y exigió su "extradición".
El presidente, un ex abogado de derechos humanos, respondió en un futuro bastante vago, diciendo que manejaría el asunto después de confirmar los hechos.
Es una táctica dilatoria que es la especialidad de las potencias surcoreanas en la línea de fuego.
Es una frase típica de los surcoreanos en el poder.
Sin embargo, en una conferencia telefónica con el primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda, el presidente Moon, dijo más palabras en coreano: Me gustaría que apoyara al candidato coreano en las elecciones para el director general de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC).
Es un país con una cultura de acoso sexual por el poder, donde una persona tan descarada y desvergonzada reina en el poder.
No quiero tener una relación cercana con un país así, por mucho que sea un país vecino.

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Non voglio avere una relazione stretta con un paese del genere,

2020年09月08日 14時37分07秒 | 全般

Questo documento autentico e solo fatto del miglior conoscitore coreano del mondo è una lettura obbligata per tutti coloro che prendono a cuore la propaganda anti-giapponese della Corea.
Le persone che sono venute per condannare il Giappone favoriscono la Cina e la Corea del Sud, la terra del male abissale e delle menzogne.
Persone che hanno denunciato il Giappone con pseudo moralismo e rettitudine.
Dovresti sapere immediatamente che persona ignorante e stupida sei.
Se non lo sai, sarai punito all'inferno come l'essere umano più feroce del 21 ° secolo, più malvagio di Cina e Corea.

Katsumi Murotani, uno dei maggiori esperti mondiali sulla Corea, ha scritto una serie di articoli su Hanada, una rivista mensile, intitolata "The Shape of Our Neighboring Country", che è una lettura obbligata non solo per i cittadini giapponesi ma anche per persone in tutto il mondo.
Quanto segue è tratto dal suo articolo, intitolato "Vento folle nella cultura delle molestie energetiche e delle molestie sessuali", apparso nel numero di Hanada.
Il retro del gruppo per i diritti umani è il capo di un demone sessuale.
Durante la dinastia Joseon, la penisola coreana era una società in cui quelli di "alto rango" (yangban) non erano accusati di alcun crimine, qualunque cosa facessero a coloro che erano al di sotto di loro.
Questa tradizione continua ancora oggi.
L'unica eccezione furono i 36 anni di dominio imperiale giapponese.
Con l'abolizione del sistema di status, lo yangban scomparve, ma nell'era successiva, "alto rango" e "ricco" erano effettivamente yangban.
Era un tempo in cui si diceva che "non erano colpevoli di alcun crimine.
Al giorno d'oggi, "coloro che sono vicini al regime Moon Jae-in" e "coloro che appartengono a organizzazioni che supportano il regime Moon Jae-in" stanno diventando il "nuovo strato di potere" che trascende la legge.
Si dice che anche gli yangban del regime della dinastia Joseon facessero quello che volevano con lo stupro.
La Corea del Sud oggi è anche una nazione di crimini sessuali.
Ci sono varie teorie su questo, a seconda dell'interpretazione tecnica delle statistiche sulla criminalità, ma si dice che l'incidenza dello stupro sia dieci volte maggiore che in Giappone.
È una tradizione socio-culturale che "i superiori sono prepotenti nei confronti dei subordinati".
Se questo è combinato con l'attuale status della Corea come paese con i più alti tassi di crimini sessuali, ciò che accadrà è un atto di molestia sessuale di tipo potente.
Molestie sessuali di tipo energico Io la chiamo "hara sessuale di potere".
Non è raro che i diplomatici sudcoreani commettano molestie sessuali di potere nei loro incarichi all'estero.
La scusa fornita dall'autore del reato, il diplomatico, è spesso "differenze culturali".
Mi chiedo se le molestie sessuali di potere facciano parte della moderna cultura coreana.
Il sindaco di Busan e il sindaco di Seoul sono paragonabili al sindaco di Osaka e al governatore di Tokyo in Giappone.
Questi due uomini sono stati accusati di molestie sessuali di potere a meno di tre mesi di distanza.
Il sindaco di Busan Oh Keo-don si è dimesso nell'aprile di quest'anno dopo che il suo segretario lo ha accusato di essere un hara sessuale, lasciandolo con la vaga dichiarazione: "Non ricordo, ma ammetto le accuse.
Il sindaco di Seoul Park Won-Sun si è suicidato nel luglio di quest'anno quando ha saputo che la sua segretaria lo aveva accusato di hara sessuale.
Oh Keo-don era noto per essere un "amico" di lunga data di Moon Jae-In, anche se si diceva che fosse una figura.
Probabilmente è per questo. Né la polizia né i pubblici ministeri sembrano aver fatto nulla al riguardo.
Park Won Soon ha molto in comune con Moon Jae-in.
Era un compagno di classe di Moon Jae-in all'esame di abilitazione, e entrambi si sono presentati come "avvocati per i diritti umani".
Park ha vinto il primo processo di hara sessuale in Corea del Sud come avvocato. È incredibilmente appassionato della questione delle donne di conforto. Nel dicembre 2000, ha servito come procuratore in rappresentanza della Corea del Sud nel Tribunale internazionale per i crimini di guerra delle donne sulla schiavitù sessuale militare giapponese (processo simulato), che ha portato l'imperatore Showa a essere condannato per aver ucciso più di 100.000 donne coreane. Ha indicato con l'accusa di consegna forzata e abuso come donna di conforto militare giapponese.
In qualità di sindaco, si è impegnato a "creare una città dove le donne possano sentirsi al sicuro".
Era un politico populista e un candidato per il prossimo presidente della Corea, famoso per le sue politiche di welfare cash-and-balance e per la politica di stand-up.
Ma dietro le quinte, ha scelto una donna come sua segretaria che aveva attirato la sua attenzione quando aveva visitato le strutture annesse della città e le aveva fatto fare un pisolino in una piccola stanza nell'ufficio del sindaco e prendersi cura della sua biancheria intima dopo aver fatto la doccia.
Ha anche inviato una foto della sua biancheria intima (locale in voci coreane) via e-mail e ha continuato a fare progressi.
Suo figlio è sospettato di schivare la leva (non puoi eludere la leva a meno che i tuoi genitori non esercitino il potere).
Sul fronte, è una "femminista per i diritti umani" e sul retro è un "capo di un demone sessuale che indossa una tonalità di potere".
Questa persona potrebbe essere il prossimo presidente della Corea.

Si suppone che Park Won-Sun fosse "così impegnato con gli affari dello stato che ha perso i suoi beni di famiglia, e tutto ciò che gli rimaneva era un pozzo e un muro", che è l'eccezione dell'eccezione in Corea del Sud.
La dichiarazione di proprietà richiesta ai titolari di cariche pubbliche mostra che ha più passività che attività, meno 700 milioni di won ($ 700 milioni).
Tuttavia, la sua auto è una Lexus e la fondazione che detiene il vero potere ha ricevuto ingenti donazioni dalla Toyota.
Potrebbe non passare molto tempo prima che le accuse di fondi neri vengano sollevate contro la famiglia Park Won.
Leccò le guance di Moon Jae-in.
Per quanto riguarda l'appartenenza al partito al potere del capo dell'autonomia locale di Moon Jae-in, il potere-molestie sessuali, il governatore della provincia di Chungcheongnam meridionale, Ahn Hee-jung, ha anche scioccato la Corea del Sud.
Ha combattuto con Moon fino all'ultimo minuto nelle elezioni per determinare il candidato alla presidenza del Partito Democratico della Corea (DPJ) e ha perso.
Ma non appena Moon ha vinto le elezioni, si è avvicinato a lui sul podio della celebrazione e lo ha abbracciato, leccandogli la guancia.
Era disgustoso. Mi chiedevo se quest'uomo fosse un frocio.
Ma la risposta coreana è stata: "È stato piacevole congratularmi con lui per aver gareggiato con i suoi anziani.
Vedo che la cultura è diversa.
Che sia omosessuale o meno non è esplicito. Tuttavia, è stato squalificato quando la sua segretaria lo ha accusato di molestie sessuali di potere tra l'eccitazione del movimento MeToo.
Ha tramato per far sembrare la donna accusata una "cattiva ragazza".
Era una pratica comune per chi aveva il potere di farlo, ma un'altra donna lo ha accusato di molestie sessuali di potere e ha avuto la possibilità di vincere.
Nel settembre 2007, è stato condannato a una pena detentiva dalla Corte Suprema (si potrebbe dire che la Corte Suprema non era ancora stata inghiottita dal "nuovo gruppo di potere" in questa fase.
Il Nihon Keizai Shimbun (9 settembre 2019), che ha riportato pene detentive, ha dichiarato:
Era più di dieci anni più giovane del signor Moon, aveva un bel viso e molte ammiratrici, ed era uno dei candidati più probabili per la posizione "post-Luna".
Due politici che si diceva fossero candidati per il prossimo presidente degli Stati Uniti sono scomparsi entrambi a causa delle molestie sessuali di potere della segretaria del loro subordinato.
Se non fosse stato per le accuse, uno di loro avrebbe potuto essere il "presidente con la maschera".
La Corea del Sud è davvero un paese spaventoso.

Gli accusatori se la passeranno male.
Ahn Hee-jung, Oh Keo-don e Park Won-soon - tutti e tre appartenevano al Partito Democratico della Corea al potere.
Per il presidente Moon Jae-in, erano colleghi giovani che gli hanno dato una leccata sulla guancia, vecchi "amici" e il capo della capitale che aveva superato l'esame di avvocato.
Tutti loro hanno uno stretto rapporto tra loro, ma non c'è stato alcun commento ufficiale da parte del presidente sui casi di questi tre uomini.
Riguardo al caso più recente, il "Park Won-soon power-molestie sessuali suicida", ha detto il portavoce dell'ufficio presidenziale, "Vorremmo offrire parole di solidarietà alle vittime". Per quanto riguarda i commenti ufficiali del presidente, ha detto: "Non appena la verità viene scoperta ... Gli è stato permesso di averla.
Ma con la morte dell'imputato, l'inchiesta della polizia è ora chiusa.
La verità non sarà mai scoperta, quindi nessun commento da parte del presidente.
E, secondo il Chosun Ilbo (25 luglio 2020), un "funzionario" nell'ufficio del presidente ha detto che "un altro funzionario" nell'ufficio del portavoce voleva "offrire parole di simpatia" all'imputato: "E 'l'opinione personale del portavoce e non rappresenta il Cheong-Wa Dae (Ufficio del Presidente).
Al culmine del movimento MeToo, ha detto Moon.
"Spero che se c'è la rivelazione di una vittima ... verrà indagata attivamente anche se la vittima non è stata accusata."
"L'atto di un uomo forte che calpesta una donna debole con la forza o lo status sociale, in qualsiasi forma di violenza o relazione, deve essere severamente punito, indipendentemente dallo stato o dalla posizione del colpevole."
"Voglio che il governo mobiliti tutti i suoi mezzi con l'idea di sradicare radicalmente la violenza sessuale che ha messo radici in ogni angolo della società".
"Spero che adotteranno misure meticolose per garantire che le vittime, in particolare quelle che sono state abbastanza coraggiose da rivelare i fatti del loro danno, non subiscano danni secondari o svantaggi". (Tutto quanto sopra, Yonhap News, 26 febbraio 2018)
Il presidente, che ha dichiarato finora, è stato soffocato dallo scandalo dei tre uomini.
Non solo, ma il partito al governo ha coniato il neologismo "vittima denunciante" per descrivere la segretaria che ha accusato il sindaco di Seoul di cattiva condotta.
La sfumatura del termine è "una donna che grida di essere stata vittimizzata".
Probabilmente significa che non riconoscono di essere "vittime".

Inoltre, le forze alla periferia del regime di sinistra hanno accusato il rappresentante della vittima (un avvocato) di accusarla falsamente di favoreggiamento e favoreggiamento della vittima.
Significa che i "nuovi poteri esistenti" non solo tollereranno le molestie sessuali di potere, ma si assicureranno anche che la persona che l'ha rivelato abbia un momento sbagliato.

Il carattere nazionale del popolo si dimentica già dei ranghi malvagi.
Si dice che la Corea sia un paese con una "cultura croccante".
La parola "croccante" significa "veloce, veloce" e si può dire che le persone sono impazienti.
Ma forse le persone impazienti sono facili da dimenticare.
No, forse è perché così tanti terribili scandali, tragici incidenti e catastrofi politiche accadono uno dopo l'altro che è difficile ricordare cosa andasse di moda non molto tempo fa.
In retrospettiva, questa primavera, l'opinione pubblica anti-regime ha colto l'occasione per la diffusione del nuovo coronavirus e, in particolare, per l'incapacità di fermare l'afflusso di personale dalla Cina, che era la principale fonte di contagio.
Successivamente, il sindaco di Seoul ha accusato il guru della religione Shinchonji di aver ucciso un gruppo di persone durante una cerimonia religiosa.
Era un giocatore in piedi.
E quando sono iniziate le elezioni parlamentari, il campo al governo ha lanciato una "cornice mentale anti-giapponese", etichettando i leader politici dell'opposizione come "filo-giapponesi" e interrompendo le loro attività elettorali.
Il risultato delle elezioni è stata una massiccia vittoria per il partito al governo. Tuttavia, poco dopo, è stato fatto un altro clamore quando sono state pubblicate le statistiche, che dimostrano che il numero di personale licenziato è stato il più alto nella storia.
Ma non molto tempo dopo, è venuto alla luce lo scandalo finanziario di Justice and Memory Solidarity, o Coalition of Evil Things, che aveva affrontato con calma la questione delle donne di conforto.
Le accuse contro Justice Memory Solidarity, una "nuova struttura di potere" rappresentativa, sono durate a lungo.
Ma è stato il sindaco del presunto suicidio alla ricerca del potere di Seoul a soffocarlo una volta per tutte.
I pubblici ministeri hanno intervistato l'ex rappresentante di Justice Solidarity Yoon Mee-hyang, ora membro dell'Assemblea nazionale del Partito Democratico della Corea, meno di due mesi e mezzo dopo la scoperta delle accuse.
La polizia, i pubblici ministeri e i tribunali hanno tutti ora detto: "Hai già distrutto le prove, vero?
La polizia, i pubblici ministeri e i tribunali fanno ora parte della "nuova struttura di potere" piuttosto che dei "cani del regime".
La polizia, i pubblici ministeri e i tribunali sotto il regime di Moon Jae-in stanno lavorando più o meno allo stesso modo della dinastia Joseon, quando lo yangban incaricato di dirigere gli affari del regime avrebbe sequestrato i loro compagni yangban se li avessero interrogati.
L'opinione pubblica che malediceva l'ex rappresentante di Justice Solidarity Yoon Mee-hyang è scomparsa.
I pubblici ministeri indagheranno solo sui rami, e i tribunali scopriranno che il tronco è stato un errore imprudente senza malizia e piacere a lui.
Anche il presunto suicidio del sindaco di Seoul in uno scandalo di molestie sessuali di potere è andato fuori dai radar.
La ragione di ciò è che i prezzi delle case sono aumentati notevolmente.
Secondo i dati diffusi da un gruppo di ricerca economica di sinistra, i prezzi degli immobili sono aumentati del 7,6% durante i quattro anni di amministrazione di Park Geun-hye.
Prima di allora, l'amministrazione Lee Myung-bak ha visto un aumento del 2,0%.
L'amministrazione Moon Jae-in ha registrato un aumento del 52,0% in tre anni.
Aumenta in base al numero di immobili scambiati e non significa che gli affitti aumenteranno immediatamente.
Tuttavia, le aliquote fiscali su una varietà di articoli relativi agli immobili sono aumentate in modo significativo.
Non è solo che l'uomo d'affari medio non può più acquistare una casa / appartamento.
Agli affittuari verrà chiesto di pagare un orrendo aumento di prezzo al prossimo periodo di rinnovo.
Penso che molte persone sentano che non possono più essere infastidite dalla presunta appropriazione indebita di Justice Solidarity o dal caso di ricerca di potere del sindaco di Seoul.

Diplomatici ai loro posti in tutto il mondo
Ma mentre lo faceva, è venuto alla luce il successivo caso di molestie sessuali.
L'incidente risale a tre anni fa ed è stato coperto da media minori nell'aprile di quest'anno, ma c'è stata poca risposta.
Un diplomatico sudcoreano di stanza in Nuova Zelanda è stato accusato di palpare ripetutamente le natiche e l'inguine di un uomo del posto.
Tuttavia, esercitando l'immunità diplomatica, è tornato a casa senza rispondere alle indagini della polizia neozelandese.
Dopo un'indagine interna, il ministero degli Affari esteri lo ha punito con un "taglio di stipendio mensile" e poi mandato via come console generale a Manila.
Questo è il riassunto dell'incidente.
Secondo una teoria, le molestie di potere da parte dei diplomatici sudcoreani "sono in media due volte all'anno".
Secondo i dati disponibili, nel luglio 2013 si è verificato un altro caso di molestie sessuali di potere da parte di un diplomatico coreano in Nuova Zelanda.
Nel 2016, un diplomatico sudcoreano di stanza in Cile ha molestato sessualmente due ragazze.

Nel 2017, un diplomatico sudcoreano in Etiopia ha commesso molestie sessuali contro un funzionario locale.
Un'indagine ha rivelato che l'ambasciatore aveva anche commesso molestie sessuali di potere contro funzionari locali.
Nello stesso anno un diplomatico in Russia e, nel 2018, un diplomatico in Pakistan e India.
Non è insolito che un diplomatico coreano venga convocato in un posto in Giappone per molestie sessuali di potere.
È un uomo dalla pelle spessa che non può uscire con te.
Non è un diplomatico, ma un portavoce che ha accompagnato il presidente Park Geun-hye negli Stati Uniti nel 2012 ha costretto il lavoratore part-time coreano, temporaneamente assunto localmente, a imporre le "dogane coreane" ed è diventato un grosso problema.
In questo caso, l '"usanza coreana" sembra essere stata quella yangban, che viaggiava in campagna, trasformando uno schiavo di proprietà di uno schiavo di proprietà del governo in un nottambulo.
Il fatto che fosse un portavoce del presidente ne ha fatto un grosso problema, ma le molestie sessuali di potere dei diplomatici non sono rare, quindi non ne ha fatto un grosso problema.
Tuttavia, la molestia sessuale di potere dei diplomatici omosessuali della Nuova Zelanda è diventata un grosso problema.
Il primo ministro neozelandese ha chiamato direttamente il presidente Moon Jae-in e ha chiesto la sua "estradizione".
Il presidente, un ex avvocato per i diritti umani, ha risposto in un futuro piuttosto vago, dicendo che si sarebbe occupato della questione dopo aver confermato i fatti.
È una tattica di stallo che è la specialità delle potenze sudcoreane sulla linea di fuoco.
È una frase tipica dei sudcoreani al potere.
Tuttavia, in una conferenza telefonica con il primo ministro neozelandese, il presidente Moon, ha detto altre parole coreane: Vorrei che sosteneste il candidato coreano nelle elezioni per il direttore generale dell'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio (OMC).
È un paese con una cultura del potere delle molestie sessuali, dove una persona così sfacciata e spudorata regna sovrana al potere.
Non voglio avere una relazione stretta con un paese del genere, non importa quanto sia un paese vicino.

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2020年09月08日 14時21分53秒 | 全般


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Needless to say, these were the days stolen by the Wuhan virus.

2020年09月08日 12時33分30秒 | 全般

On September 6, I took the subway from Kyoto Station to Higashiyama-Sanjo and then to Okazaki for the first time in six months.
Needless to say, these were the days stolen by the Wuhan virus.
The Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, which I used to visit frequently, had been undergoing renovation work for a long time at the same time as its name was sold to Kyocera.
The following exhibition was held to celebrate its completion.
I've wanted to go every time I see a TV commercial.
Fortunately, it was a beautiful day, and we headed to Kyoto before noon.
We regretted it.
If we had come earlier, we would have visited many times.
Excellent! One word.
There are most of the exhibits, paintings, and ceramics by Kiyomizu Rokubei. Most of the pictures were made in 1934.
I wonder how many geniuses and brilliant artists there were in Japan.
If you think about it, it is quite natural.
Jōchō, Kaikei, Unkei, Hasegawa Tōhaku, Tawaraya Sōtatsu, Ogata Kōrin, Maruyama Okyo
The Kano School, such as Kanō Tan'yū, etc., etc. 
Itō Jakuchū, Hiroshige, Sharaku, Hokusai, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, etc., etc.
Japan has produced many of them.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Japan is the best country in the world.
They are the painters who are as talented as Rubens and Velasquez and others.
This exhibition also proved how nonsensical the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called "cultural people" who sympathized with them were.
They accuse the pre-war Japanese of being a bunch of hopeless people and all militarists.
But they were the ones to blame, and the genuinely brilliant works proved that they were the ones to blame.
The Asahi Shimbun and the so-called "culturists" who sympathize with them are the ugliest people in Japan's history.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that they have not only been pawns of China and Korea but traitors themselves.
The other day, there was a special featurette that made us believe that this is what NHK is all about. Watching this program, many people must have known for the first time that there was a world-renowned scientist in Japan, Bunsaku Arakatsu (1890-1973), a physics professor at the Department of Science, Kyoto University.
When I first learned of him from watching this program, I was furious about those campaigning against nuclear power.
They are the worst kind of people who deny the progress of academia.
But if you think about it, it's only natural.
Japan built the Zero fighter plane, the battleship Yamato, and the I-400-class submarine.  It's not an exaggeration to say that Japan was the most technologically advanced country in the world.
The Asahi, NHK, and the so-called "culturists" have trivialized their country, predecessors, and greatness.
It is no exaggeration to say that there has never been a more unforgivable people in Japan's history than them.
The Asahi, NHK, and the so-called culture people are the worst kind of people in Japan's history.

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定朝、快慶、運慶、長谷川等伯、俵屋宗達、尾形光琳、丸山応挙、狩野探幽等の狩野派、etc. 伊藤若冲、安藤広重、東洲斎写楽、葛飾北斎、歌川国芳、etc.

2020年09月08日 12時22分09秒 | 全般

定朝、快慶、運慶、長谷川等伯、俵屋宗達、尾形光琳、丸山応挙、狩野探幽等の狩野派、etc. 伊藤若冲、安藤広重、東洲斎写楽、葛飾北斎、歌川国芳、etc.を輩出して来た日本。

先般、これこそがNHK本来の番組と思わせた特集があった。「原子の力を解放せよ~戦争に翻弄された核物理学者たち」…この番組を観て、京大理学部物理学教室の教授だった荒勝文策(1890 〜 1973)という、世界的にも有数な学者が日本にいた事を初めて知った人は多かったはずである。

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authentic paper by the world's best Korean connoisseur is a must-read

2020年09月08日 11時57分10秒 | 全般

This fact-only, authentic paper by the world's best Korean connoisseur is a must-read for all those who take Korea's anti-Japanese propaganda to heart.
People who have come to condemn Japan favor China and South Korea, the land of abysmal evil and outright lies.
People who have denounced Japan with pseudo-moralism and righteousness.
You should know immediately what an ignorant and stupid person you are.
If you don't know, you will be punished in hell as the most vicious human being of the 21st century, more evil than China and Korea.

Katsumi Murotani, one of the world's leading experts on Korea, has been writing a series of articles in Hanada, a monthly magazine, entitled "The Shape of Our Neighboring Country," which is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
The following is from his article, titled "Mad Wind in the culture of Power Harassment and Sexual Harassment," which appeared in Hanada's issue.
The human rights group's back face is a sex fiend one's boss. 
During the Joseon Dynasty, the Korean peninsula was a society where those of "high rank" (yangban) was not accused of any crime, no matter what they did to those below them.
This tradition continues to this day.
The only exception was the 36 years of Japanese imperial rule. 
With the abolition of the status system, yangban disappeared, but in the subsequent era, "highly-ranked" and "rich" were effectively yangban.
It was a time when it was said that they were "not guilty of any crime. 
Nowadays, "those close to the Moon Jae-in regime" and "those who belong to organizations that support the Moon Jae-in regime" are becoming the "new power stratum" that transcends the law. 
It is said that the yangban of the Joseon Dynasty regime also did whatever they wanted with rape.
South Korea today is also a nation of sexual crimes.
There are various theories about this, depending on the technical interpretation of crime statistics, but it is said that the incidence of rape is ten times higher than in Japan. 
It is a socio-cultural tradition that 'superiors are overbearing to subordinates.'
If this is combined with Korea's current status as a country with the highest rates of sexual crimes, what will occur is an act of sexual harassment of the power type.
Power-type sexual harassment I call it 'power-sexual hara.' 
It is not uncommon for South Korean diplomats to commit power-sexual harassment in their overseas posts.
The excuse given by the perpetrator, the diplomat, is often "cultural differences."
It makes me wonder if power-sexual harassment is a part of modern Korean culture.
The mayor of Busan and the mayor of Seoul are comparable to the mayor of Osaka and Tokyo's governor in Japan.
These two men were accused of power-sexual harassment less than three months apart. 
Busan Mayor Oh Keo-don resigned in April this year after his secretary accused him of being a power-sexual hara, leaving him with the vague statement, "I don't remember, but I admit to the charges.
Seoul Mayor Park Won-Sun committed suicide in July this year when he learned that his secretary had accused him of power-sexual hara. 
Oh Keo-don was known to be a long time "friend" of Moon Jae-In, even though he was a rumored figure.
It is probably why. Neither the police nor the prosecutors seem to be doing anything about it. 
Park Won Soon has much in common with Moon Jae-in.
He was a classmate of Moon Jae-in's on the bar exam, and they have both marketed themselves as "human rights lawyers." 
Park won the first power-sexual hara trial in South Korea as a lawyer. He is incredibly passionate about the comfort women issue. In December 2000, he served as a prosecutor representing South Korea in the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery (mock trial), which resulted in Emperor Showa being convicted of murdering more than 100,000 Korean women. He indicated on charges of forcible rendition and abuse as a Japanese military comfort woman. 
As mayor, he has pledged to "create a town where women can feel safe."
He was a populist politician and a candidate for Korea's next president, famous for his cash-and-balance welfare policies and stand-up politics. 
But behind the scenes, he selected a woman as his secretary who had caught his eye when he toured the city's attached facilities and made her take a nap in a small room in the mayor's office and take care of his underwear after he took a shower.
He also sent a picture of his underwear (local in Korean rumors) by email and continued making advances.
His son is suspected of draft-dodging (you can't evade the draft unless your parents wield power). 
On the front, he is a "human rights feminist," and on the back, he is a "sex fiend one's boss who wears a power shade."
This person could be the next president of Korea. 
Park Won-Sun is supposed to have been "so busy with the affairs of the state that he lost his family possessions, and all he had left was a well and a wall," which is the exception of the exception in South Korea.
The property declaration required of public office holders shows that he has more liabilities than assets, minus 700 million won ($700 million). 
However, his car is a Lexus, and the foundation that holds the real power has received large donations from Toyota.
It may not be long before allegations of slush funds are raised against the Park Won family.
He licked Moon Jae-in's cheeks.
As for belonging to the ruling party of Moon Jae-in's head of local autonomy, power-sexual harassment, the governor of South Chungcheongnam Province, Ahn Hee-jung, it also shocked South Korea. 
He fought with Moon to the last minute in the election to determine the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPJ) and lost.
But as soon as Moon won the election, he walked up to him on the podium at the celebration and hugged him, licking his cheek. 
It was disgusting. I wondered if this man was a faggot.
But the Korean response was, "It was refreshing to congratulate him for competing with his seniors.
I see the culture is different. 
Whether or not he is a homosexual is not explicit. Still, he was disqualified when his female secretary accused him of power-sexual harassment amidst the MeToo movement's excitement. 
He schemed to make the accused woman look like a "bad girl."
It was a common practice for those with power to do so, but another woman accused him of power-sexual harassment, and he had a chance to win.
In September 2007, he was sentenced to a prison term by the Supreme Court (it could be said that the Supreme Court had not yet been swallowed up by the "new power group" at this stage.
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (September 9, 2019), which reported prison sentences, said: 
He was more than ten years younger than Mr. Moon, had a handsome face and many female admirers, and was one of the most likely candidates for the 'post-Moon' position. 
Two politicians who were said to be candidates for the United States' next president have both disappeared due to the power-sexual harassment of their subordinate's female secretary.
Had it not been for the accusations, one of them might have been the "president in a mask."
South Korea is truly a frightening country.

Accusers are going to have a rough time of it. 
Ahn Hee-jung, Oh Keo-don, and Park Won-soon - all three belonged to the ruling Democratic Party of Korea. 
To President Moon Jae-in, they were junior colleagues who gave him a lick on the cheek, old "friends," and the head of the capital city who had passed the bar exam.
All of them have a close relationship with each other, yet there has been no official comment from the president on these three men's cases. 
Regarding the most recent case, the "Park Won-soon power-sexual harassment suicide," the presidential office spokesman said, "We would like to offer words of sympathy to the victims." As for the president's official comments, he said, "As soon as the truth is uncovered... He was allowed to have it. 
But with the death of the accused, the police investigation is now closed.
The truth will never be uncovered, so no comment from the president. 
And, according to the Chosun Ilbo (July 25, 2020), an "official" in the president's office said that "another official" in the spokesman's office wanted to "offer words of sympathy" to the accused: "It's the spokesman's personal opinion and does not represent the Cheong-Wa Dae (Office of the President). 
At the height of the MeToo movement, Moon said.
'I hope that if there is a victim's revelation ... it will be actively investigated even if the victim has not been charged.'
'The act of a strong man trampling on a weak woman by force or status, in any form of violence or any relationship, must be severely punished, regardless of the perpetrator's status or position.'
'I want the government to mobilize all its means with the idea of radically eradicating the sexual violence that has taken root in every corner of society.'
'I hope they will take meticulous measures to ensure that victims, especially those who have been brave enough to reveal the facts of their harm, do not suffer secondary harm or disadvantage.' (All of the above, Yonhap News, February 26, 2018) 
The president, who has stated so far, has been stifled about the three men's scandal.
Not only that, but the ruling party has coined the neologism "victim complainant" to describe the female secretary who accused the mayor of Seoul of misconduct.
The nuance of the term is "a woman calling out that she has been victimized."
It probably means that they do not acknowledge that they are "victims. 
Furthermore, forces on the periphery of the left-wing regime have accused the victim's representative (a lawyer) of falsely accusing her of aiding and abetting the victim. 
It means that the "new powers that be" will not only tolerate power-sexual harassment but will also make sure that the person who revealed it has a wrong time.

The national character of the people forgets about the evil ranks already. 
Korea is said to be a country with a "crispy culture."
The word "crunchy" means "quick, quick," and it can be said that the people are impatient. 
But perhaps impatient people are easy to forget. 
No, maybe it's because so many terrible scandals, tragic accidents, and political catastrophes happen one after another that it's hard to remember what was all the rage not long ago. 
In retrospect, this spring, anti-regime public opinion rose to the occasion over the spread of the new coronavirus and, in particular, the inability to stop the influx of personnel from China, which was the largest source of infection. 
Next, the mayor of Seoul accused the guru of the Shinchonji religion of murdering a group of people at a religious ceremony.
He was a stand-up player. 
And when the parliamentary elections began, the ruling camp launched an "anti-Japanese frame" of mind, labeling leading opposition politicians as "pro-Japanese" and disrupting their campaign activities. 
The election result was a massive victory for the ruling party. Still, shortly afterward, another fuss was made when statistics were released, showing that the number of personnel laid off was the highest in history. 
But not long after, the financial scandal of the Justice and Memory Solidarity, or the Coalition of Evil Things, which had taken the comfort women issue in stride, came to light. 
The accusations against Justice Memory Solidarity, a representative "new power structure," lasted quite a long time.
But it was the mayor of Seoul's alleged power-seeking suicide that drowned it out once and for all. 
Prosecutors interviewed former Justice Solidarity representative Yoon Mee-hyang, now a member of the Democratic Party of Korea National Assembly, less than two and a half months after the allegations were discovered.
The police, the prosecutors, and the courts have all now said, "You've already destroyed the evidence, haven't you? 
The police, prosecutors, and courts are now part of the "new power structure" rather than "regime dogs. 
The police, prosecutors, and courts under Moon Jae-in's regime are working in much the same way as during the Joseon dynasty when the yangban in charge of directing the regime's affairs would either seize acquit their fellow yangban if they interrogated them at all. 
The public opinion that was cursing former Justice Solidarity representative Yoon Mee-hyang has disappeared.
The prosecutors will investigate only the branches, and the courts will find that the trunk was a careless mistake without malice and pleasing him. 
The alleged suicide of the mayor of Seoul in a power-sexual harasment scandal has also gone off the radar.
The reason for this is that housing prices have risen sharply. 
According to data released by a left-wing economic research group, real estate prices have risen by 7.6% during the four years of Park Geun-hye's administration.
Before that, the Lee Myung-bak administration saw a 2.0 percent increase.
The Moon Jae-in administration has seen a 52.0 percent spike in three years. 
It increases based on the number of properties traded and does not mean that rents will rise immediately.
However, tax rates on a variety of real estate related items have gone up significantly. 
It's not just that the average businessman can no longer buy a house/apartment.
Renters will be asked to pay a horrendous price increase at the next renewal period.
I think many people feel that they can no longer be bothered by the alleged embezzlement of Justice Solidarity or the Seoul mayor's power-seeking case.

Diplomats at their posts around the world 
But while doing so, the next power-sexual harassment case came to light.
The incident was three years old and was covered by minor media in April of this year, but there was little response. 
A South Korean diplomat stationed in New Zealand was accused of repeatedly groping a local man's buttocks and crotch.
However, wielding diplomatic immunity, he returned home without responding to the New Zealand police investigation.
After an internal investigation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs punished him with a "month's pay cut" and then sent him off as consul general in Manila.
That's the summary of the incident. 
Power-harassment by South Korean diplomats "averages twice a year," according to one theory.   
According to the records at hand, there was another case of power-sexual harassment by a Korean diplomat in New Zealand in July 2013.
In 2016, a South Korean diplomat stationed in Chile sexually harassed two girls.  
In 2017, a South Korean diplomat in Ethiopia committed the power-sexual harassment of a local official. 
An investigation revealed that the ambassador had also committed the power-sexual harassment of local officials.
In the same year, a diplomat to Russia, and in 2018, a diplomat in Pakistan and India.  
It is not unusual for a Korean diplomat to be summoned to a post in Japan for power-sexual harassment.
It is a thick-skinned man who can't go out with you.
It is not a diplomat, but a spokesman who accompanied President Park Geun-hye in the United States in 2012 forced the Korean part-time worker who was temporarily hired locally to impose "Korean customs" and became a big problem.
In this case, the "Korean custom" seems to have been that yangban, who traveled to the countryside, turned a slave owned by a government-owned slave into a night owl. 
The fact that it was a spokesman for the president made it a big issue, but the power-sexual harassment of diplomats is not uncommon, so it didn't make a big deal out of it. 
However, the power-sexual harassment of New Zealand's homosexual diplomats has become a big issue.
The New Zealand prime minister called President Moon Jae-in directly and demanded his "extradition."
The president, a former human rights lawyer, responded in a rather vague future tense, saying that he would handle the matter after confirming the facts.
It's a stalling tactic that is the specialty of the South Korean powers in the fire line.
It's a phrase typical of the South Koreans in power. 
However, in a telephone conference with New Zealand's prime minister, President Moon, said more Korean words.: I would like you to support the Korean candidate in the election for the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
It is a country with a power-sexual harassment culture, where such a brazen and shameless person reigns supreme in power.
I don't want to have a close relationship with such a country, no matter how much it is a neighboring country. 


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I don't want to have a close relationship with such a country,

2020年09月08日 11時41分21秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Diplomats at their posts around the world 
But while doing so, the next power-sexual harassment case came to light.
The incident was three years old and was covered by minor media in April of this year, but there was little response. 
A South Korean diplomat stationed in New Zealand was accused of repeatedly groping a local man's buttocks and crotch.
However, wielding diplomatic immunity, he returned home without responding to the New Zealand police investigation.
After an internal investigation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs punished him with a "month's pay cut" and then sent him off as consul general in Manila.
That's the summary of the incident. 
Power-harassment by South Korean diplomats "averages twice a year," according to one theory.   
According to the records at hand, there was another case of power-sexual harassment by a Korean diplomat in New Zealand in July 2013.
In 2016, a South Korean diplomat stationed in Chile sexually harassed two girls.  
In 2017, a South Korean diplomat in Ethiopia committed the power-sexual harassment of a local official. 
An investigation revealed that the ambassador had also committed the power-sexual harassment of local officials.
In the same year, a diplomat to Russia, and in 2018, a diplomat in Pakistan and India.  
It is not unusual for a Korean diplomat to be summoned to a post in Japan for power-sexual harassment.
It is a thick-skinned man who can't go out with you.
It is not a diplomat, but a spokesman who accompanied President Park Geun-hye in the United States in 2012 forced the Korean part-time worker who was temporarily hired locally to impose "Korean customs" and became a big problem.
In this case, the "Korean custom" seems to have been that yangban, who traveled to the countryside, turned a slave owned by a government-owned slave into a night owl. 
The fact that it was a spokesman for the president made it a big issue, but the power-sexual harassment of diplomats is not uncommon, so it didn't make a big deal out of it. 
However, the power-sexual harassment of New Zealand's homosexual diplomats has become a big issue.
The New Zealand prime minister called President Moon Jae-in directly and demanded his "extradition."
The president, a former human rights lawyer, responded in a rather vague future tense, saying that he would handle the matter after confirming the facts.
It's a stalling tactic that is the specialty of the South Korean powers in the fire line.
It's a phrase typical of the South Koreans in power. 
However, in a telephone conference with New Zealand's prime minister, President Moon, said more Korean words.: I would like you to support the Korean candidate in the election for the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
It is a country with a power-sexual harassment culture, where such a brazen and shameless person reigns supreme in power.
I don't want to have a close relationship with such a country, no matter how much it is a neighboring country. 

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The national character of the people forgets about the evil ranks already

2020年09月08日 11時11分04秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The national character of the people forgets about the evil ranks already. 
Korea is said to be a country with a "crispy culture."
The word "crunchy" means "quick, quick," and it can be said that the people are impatient. 
But perhaps impatient people are easy to forget. 
No, maybe it's because so many terrible scandals, tragic accidents, and political catastrophes happen one after another that it's hard to remember what was all the rage not long ago. 
In retrospect, this spring, anti-regime public opinion rose to the occasion over the spread of the new coronavirus and, in particular, the inability to stop the influx of personnel from China, which was the largest source of infection. 
Next, the mayor of Seoul accused the guru of the Shinchonji religion of murdering a group of people at a religious ceremony.
He was a stand-up player. 
And when the parliamentary elections began, the ruling camp launched an "anti-Japanese frame" of mind, labeling leading opposition politicians as "pro-Japanese" and disrupting their campaign activities. 
The election result was a massive victory for the ruling party. Still, shortly afterward, another fuss was made when statistics were released, showing that the number of personnel laid off was the highest in history. 
But not long after, the financial scandal of the Justice and Memory Solidarity, or the Coalition of Evil Things, which had taken the comfort women issue in stride, came to light. 
The accusations against Justice Memory Solidarity, a representative "new power structure," lasted quite a long time.
But it was the mayor of Seoul's alleged power-seeking suicide that drowned it out once and for all. 
Prosecutors interviewed former Justice Solidarity representative Yoon Mee-hyang, now a member of the Democratic Party of Korea National Assembly, less than two and a half months after the allegations were discovered.
The police, the prosecutors, and the courts have all now said, "You've already destroyed the evidence, haven't you? 
The police, prosecutors, and courts are now part of the "new power structure" rather than "regime dogs. 
The police, prosecutors, and courts under Moon Jae-in's regime are working in much the same way as during the Joseon dynasty when the yangban in charge of directing the regime's affairs would either seize acquit their fellow yangban if they interrogated them at all. 
The public opinion that was cursing former Justice Solidarity representative Yoon Mee-hyang has disappeared.
The prosecutors will investigate only the branches, and the courts will find that the trunk was a careless mistake without malice and pleasing him. 
The alleged suicide of the mayor of Seoul in a power-sexual harasment scandal has also gone off the radar.
The reason for this is that housing prices have risen sharply. 
According to data released by a left-wing economic research group, real estate prices have risen by 7.6% during the four years of Park Geun-hye's administration.
Before that, the Lee Myung-bak administration saw a 2.0 percent increase.
The Moon Jae-in administration has seen a 52.0 percent spike in three years. 
It increases based on the number of properties traded and does not mean that rents will rise immediately.
However, tax rates on a variety of real estate related items have gone up significantly. 
It's not just that the average businessman can no longer buy a house/apartment.
Renters will be asked to pay a horrendous price increase at the next renewal period.
I think many people feel that they can no longer be bothered by the alleged embezzlement of Justice Solidarity or the Seoul mayor's power-seeking case.
To be continued.

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At the height of the MeToo movement, Moon said.

2020年09月08日 10時47分22秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Accusers are going to have a rough time of it. 
Ahn Hee-jung, Oh Keo-don, and Park Won-soon - all three belonged to the ruling Democratic Party of Korea. 
To President Moon Jae-in, they were junior colleagues who gave him a lick on the cheek, old "friends," and the head of the capital city who had passed the bar exam.
All of them have a close relationship with each other, yet there has been no official comment from the president on these three men's cases. 
Regarding the most recent case, the "Park Won-soon power-sexual harassment suicide," the presidential office spokesman said, "We would like to offer words of sympathy to the victims." As for the president's official comments, he said, "As soon as the truth is uncovered... He was allowed to have it. 
But with the death of the accused, the police investigation is now closed.
The truth will never be uncovered, so no comment from the president. 
And, according to the Chosun Ilbo (July 25, 2020), an "official" in the president's office said that "another official" in the spokesman's office wanted to "offer words of sympathy" to the accused: "It's the spokesman's personal opinion and does not represent the Cheong-Wa Dae (Office of the President). 
At the height of the MeToo movement, Moon said.
'I hope that if there is a victim's revelation ... it will be actively investigated even if the victim has not been charged.'
'The act of a strong man trampling on a weak woman by force or status, in any form of violence or any relationship, must be severely punished, regardless of the perpetrator's status or position.'
'I want the government to mobilize all its means with the idea of radically eradicating the sexual violence that has taken root in every corner of society.'
'I hope they will take meticulous measures to ensure that victims, especially those who have been brave enough to reveal the facts of their harm, do not suffer secondary harm or disadvantage.' (All of the above, Yonhap News, February 26, 2018) 
The president, who has stated so far, has been stifled about the three men's scandal.
Not only that, but the ruling party has coined the neologism "victim complainant" to describe the female secretary who accused the mayor of Seoul of misconduct.
The nuance of the term is "a woman calling out that she has been victimized."
It probably means that they do not acknowledge that they are "victims. 
Furthermore, forces on the periphery of the left-wing regime have accused the victim's representative (a lawyer) of falsely accusing her of aiding and abetting the victim. 
It means that the "new powers that be" will not only tolerate power-sexual harassment but will also make sure that the person who revealed it has a wrong time.
To be continued.

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South Korea is truly a frightening country.

2020年09月08日 10時27分30秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
He licked Moon Jae-in's cheeks.
As for belonging to the ruling party of Moon Jae-in's head of local autonomy, power-sexual harassment, the governor of South Chungcheongnam Province, Ahn Hee-jung, it also shocked South Korea. 
He fought with Moon to the last minute in the election to determine the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPJ) and lost.
But as soon as Moon won the election, he walked up to him on the podium at the celebration and hugged him, licking his cheek. 
It was disgusting. I wondered if this man was a faggot.
But the Korean response was, "It was refreshing to congratulate him for competing with his seniors.
I see the culture is different. 
Whether or not he is a homosexual is not explicit. Still, he was disqualified when his female secretary accused him of power-sexual harassment amidst the MeToo movement's excitement. 
He schemed to make the accused woman look like a "bad girl."
It was a common practice for those with power to do so, but another woman accused him of power-sexual harassment, and he had a chance to win.
In September 2007, he was sentenced to a prison term by the Supreme Court (it could be said that the Supreme Court had not yet been swallowed up by the "new power group" at this stage.
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (September 9, 2019), which reported prison sentences, said: 
He was more than ten years younger than Mr. Moon, had a handsome face and many female admirers, and was one of the most likely candidates for the 'post-Moon' position. 
Two politicians who were said to be candidates for the United States' next president have both disappeared due to the power-sexual harassment of their subordinate's female secretary.
Had it not been for the accusations, one of them might have been the "president in a mask."
South Korea is truly a frightening country.
This article continues.


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The human rights group's back face is a sex fiend one's boss.

2020年09月08日 10時07分06秒 | 全般

Katsumi Murotani, one of the world's leading experts on Korea, has been writing a series of articles in Hanada, a monthly magazine, entitled "The Shape of Our Neighboring Country," which is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
The following is from his article, titled "Mad Wind in the culture of Power Harassment and Sexual Harassment," which appeared in Hanada's issue.
The human rights group's back face is a sex fiend one's boss. 
During the Joseon Dynasty, the Korean peninsula was a society where those of "high rank" (yangban) was not accused of any crime, no matter what they did to those below them.
This tradition continues to this day.
The only exception was the 36 years of Japanese imperial rule. 
With the abolition of the status system, yangban disappeared, but in the subsequent era, "highly-ranked" and "rich" were effectively yangban.
It was a time when it was said that they were "not guilty of any crime. 
Nowadays, "those close to the Moon Jae-in regime" and "those who belong to organizations that support the Moon Jae-in regime" are becoming the "new power stratum" that transcends the law. 
It is said that the yangban of the Joseon Dynasty regime also did whatever they wanted with rape.
South Korea today is also a nation of sexual crimes.
There are various theories about this, depending on the technical interpretation of crime statistics, but it is said that the incidence of rape is ten times higher than in Japan. 
It is a socio-cultural tradition that 'superiors are overbearing to subordinates.'
If this is combined with Korea's current status as a country with the highest rates of sexual crimes, what will occur is an act of sexual harassment of the power type.
Power-type sexual harassment I call it 'power-sexual hara.' 
It is not uncommon for South Korean diplomats to commit power-sexual harassment in their overseas posts.
The excuse given by the perpetrator, the diplomat, is often "cultural differences."
It makes me wonder if power-sexual harassment is a part of modern Korean culture.
The mayor of Busan and the mayor of Seoul are comparable to the mayor of Osaka and Tokyo's governor in Japan.
These two men were accused of power-sexual harassment less than three months apart. 
Busan Mayor Oh Keo-don resigned in April this year after his secretary accused him of being a power-sexual hara, leaving him with the vague statement, "I don't remember, but I admit to the charges.
Seoul Mayor Park Won-Sun committed suicide in July this year when he learned that his secretary had accused him of power-sexual hara. 
Oh Keo-don was known to be a long time "friend" of Moon Jae-In, even though he was a rumored figure.
It is probably why. Neither the police nor the prosecutors seem to be doing anything about it. 
Park Won Soon has much in common with Moon Jae-in.
He was a classmate of Moon Jae-in's on the bar exam, and they have both marketed themselves as "human rights lawyers." 
Park won the first power-sexual hara trial in South Korea as a lawyer. He is incredibly passionate about the comfort women issue. In December 2000, he served as a prosecutor representing South Korea in the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery (mock trial), which resulted in Emperor Showa being convicted of murdering more than 100,000 Korean women. He indicated on charges of forcible rendition and abuse as a Japanese military comfort woman. 
As mayor, he has pledged to "create a town where women can feel safe."
He was a populist politician and a candidate for Korea's next president, famous for his cash-and-balance welfare policies and stand-up politics. 
But behind the scenes, he selected a woman as his secretary who had caught his eye when he toured the city's attached facilities and made her take a nap in a small room in the mayor's office and take care of his underwear after he took a shower.
He also sent a picture of his underwear (local in Korean rumors) by email and continued making advances.
His son is suspected of draft-dodging (you can't evade the draft unless your parents wield power). 
On the front, he is a "human rights feminist," and on the back, he is a "sex fiend one's boss who wears a power shade."
This person could be the next president of Korea. 
Park Won-Sun is supposed to have been "so busy with the affairs of the state that he lost his family possessions, and all he had left was a well and a wall," which is the exception of the exception in South Korea.
The property declaration required of public office holders shows that he has more liabilities than assets, minus 700 million won ($700 million). 
However, his car is a Lexus, and the foundation that holds the real power has received large donations from Toyota.
It may not be long before allegations of slush funds are raised against the Park Won family.
This article continues.


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こんな下種達の執拗な攻撃が…アデナウアー20年、コール 25年、メルケル18年の長期安定政権に比べれば屁の様に短い、半分にも満たない短期政権にしてしまった

2020年09月08日 09時14分29秒 | 全般


アデナウアー20年、コール 25年、メルケル18年の長期安定政権に比べれば屁の様に短い、半分にも満たない短期政権にしてしまったのだから。


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it is a popular page

2020年09月08日 09時11分10秒 | 全般




2020-04-29 17:37:27







2020-04-28 22:25:21




2020-04-24 16:00:37




2020-04-26 11:39:33




2018-09-17 08:24:36




2019-01-30 08:57:57




2020-05-11 06:11:43


It is because the states of evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil continue.


2020-05-06 10:43:31




2020-05-01 13:19:19




2020-05-10 17:12:15




2020-04-28 21:56:32




2020-05-06 19:34:55







2020-05-11 13:57:06




2018-04-23 07:48:01




2020-04-30 23:04:36




2020-04-30 23:05:51




2020-05-04 14:23:09




2020-05-16 22:37:58


中国が自分達の大過誤に対して世界中から損害賠償請求されないように必死になって嘘のプロパガンダを繰り広げている態様と、 この二人の態様は表裏一体の関係なのである


2020-05-06 17:53:48


those who perform distinguished services do not conspire with others


2020-05-11 14:59:41




2018-03-21 07:28:58





2020-05-06 19:37:45




2020-04-30 17:11:40




2020-05-13 15:57:43




2020-05-16 22:23:24




2020-05-03 16:40:50




2020-05-16 22:20:34




2020-05-14 15:28:27




2020-05-08 22:11:10




2020-05-13 17:13:06


Only after reading the book will you know what a data collection is and what a news report is


2020-05-13 16:51:57




2020-05-03 16:32:19




2020-05-04 14:22:00




2020-05-03 09:54:39




2020-05-02 17:19:00




2020-05-11 14:01:22




2020-04-30 23:04:01




2020-05-12 21:57:14




2020-05-03 16:39:33




2020-05-11 21:53:17




2020-05-10 16:00:56


「ピースボート」 の実質的主宰者は朝鮮総聯、 船籍は北朝鮮であることを割り出した。


2018-09-19 12:49:17




2020-05-02 17:16:39




2020-05-08 19:05:20




2020-05-16 22:27:48




2020-05-06 19:36:12




2020-05-01 17:27:26

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it is a popular page yesterday

2020年09月08日 09時09分49秒 | 全般


















以下の3名。①読売新聞 越前谷知子、と題して2018-05-30に発信した章が、今、アメーバで公式ハッシュタグランキング:アルゼンチン6位に入っている
























She was an anti-Japanese activist, calling him a 'villain' and 'militarism-oriented








以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/9/3, pm 5:35










Det är inte 'falska nyheter' utan 'falsk historia'.










以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/9/3, pm 11:05




In short, the Asahi's criticism of Abe has been nothing more than a self-introduction over the years








That is why China is 'conducting public opinion and intelligence operations in the United States




Before Abe resign, NHK's watch 9 criticized him with no less wickedness






In the Asahi Shimbun, is it permissible to post such a hate-filled piece of writing?


仁科芳雄博士のサイクロトロンは分解して東京湾に捨てられ… 零戦や屠龍を生んだ航空機工場は更地にされ、航続飛行の世界記録を持つ航研機までブルドーザーで潰され、羽田空港内の鴨池に投棄された




The Asahi, NHK, and the so-called culture people are the worst kind of people in Japan's history




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