BBC Rescuers search for hotel collapse survivors in Argentina 8 hours ago
Alex Boyd
「Rescue workers in Argentina were scrambling to reach people trapped . . . 本文を読む
「France's President Emmanuel Macron has told Morocco's parliament that he believes Western Sahara should be under Moroccan sovereignty, and has pledged to invest French money there.」
フランスは、西サハラはモロッコ . . . 本文を読む
BBC Extreme drought areas treble in size since 80s - study 11 hours ago
Stephanie Hegarty and Talha Burki
地表面が被るひどい干ばつextreme droughtは1980年代からくらべると三倍ほどの頻度で起こるようになったという。
「The area of . . . 本文を読む