from yesterday's Yomiuri

2010年02月08日 20時24分58秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
Today is a holiday for nationwide-circulated newspapers.

「小沢幹事長辞任を」74% 内閣支持率44% 不支持率47% 本社世論調査

According to a nationwide telephone opinion poll survey conducted by Yomiuri Shimbun during February 5 to 6, it was learnd that the approval rate for the Hatoyama administration was 44% and the disapproval rate of it was 47%. This result means that the disapproval rate increased by 5 points from the previous survey done on Janauary 16-17, while the approval rate remained almost unchanged from the previous 45%.
In terms of Ichiro Ozawa's problem, 74 % of respondents replied " he should resign from the post of Secretary-General of the Democratic Party of Japan."
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