from today\'s Nikkei

2010年02月24日 20時30分49秒 | 新聞記事から
日米の2密約 確認 半島有事と沖縄の核 有識者委報告へ 核寄港・通過「解釈にズレ」

According to sources,it is likely that the Foreign Affairs Ministry's ad hoc panl of experts seems to have confirmed 2 covet promises supposedly concluded between Japan and the U.S. at the times including the one when the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty was revised in 1960. The panel is to make it public in March when a report is submitted to the Foreign Affairs Minister.

These promises are related to such things as unrestricted usage of U.S. military bases in Japan by the U.S. at the time when some emergency situations take place in the Korean Peninsula and re-deployment of nuclear weapons by the U.S. in Okinawa.

This is the first time that secret diplomatic promises between Japan and the U.S the Japanese government has long denied has come to light.

Another finding this time is that there was no clear agreement between the two countries about the so-called 1960 nuclear promise, which has been believed to be the promise that Japan admitted U.S. warships installed by nuclear weapons could call on Japan and pass in Japnese waters.
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