from today's Nikkei

2010年02月22日 12時20分39秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 長期金利の調達加速 東芝やホンダ 設備・開発投資に備え 長期金利の先高感も背景

There has been an accelerating movement among listed companies that they are going to shift their debts from short-tem ones to long-term ones as much as possible. Specifically,Toshiba Corporation,Honda Motor Company,Limited, JFE Holdings,Inc. and others are likely to have secured long-term funds for investments to their equipment and R&Ds.

According to a data, among listed companies the ratio of the long-term debs of the interest-bearing debts on average reached 67%, which was the highest-ever since 2000, as of the end of December last year.

Against the backdrop of this situation there might be a sentiment among people concerned of prospect of long-term interest rate rising in th future.
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