from today's Nikkei

2010年02月25日 11時26分08秒 | 新聞記事から
次世代送電網 米GEが日本参入 専用電力計 富士電機と合弁 

According to sources, the US General Electric Company likely will participate in the Smat Grid market in Japan, which is expected to expand in the future rearding transmitting generated power in an efficient way. Specifically,it will set up a joint venture in Japan with Fuji Electric Holdings Co.,Ltd in order to design and manufacture in Japan the key components of a smart meter, which is a power measurement meter equipped with telecomunicatins capability.

There is an estimate that the accumulated investment into the market for the Smart Grid in the areas of the U.S.,Japan and Europe would reach 1.25 trillion dollars by 2030, and severe competition in vying for the market has already started among companies concerned in a global scae.
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