from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年02月15日 11時16分50秒 | 新聞記事から
小売大手ネット急拡大 専業に対抗 店舗と連携強み イオン 即日配達2倍に セブン&アイ 年商1000億円計画

It has been learned that among major domestic retailers there is a move they are going to expand their sales through the Internet. The feature of the move is that they are making use of their exsisting shops as well as their virtual shops. As for Aeon Co.,Ltd. it has a plan to double the number of the shops, called "Net Super," which would deliver the goods displayed in the shop and purchased by a customer to the customer's home on the same day, by February 2011.

In Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. they are going to enhance its sales to more than 1 trillion yen a year through strengthening the existing mail order scheme or expanding the sales using the Internet.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年02月15日 10時43分29秒 | 新聞記事から
三菱重工、米で風力装置 新工場建設海外シフト 貿易摩擦を回避 シンフォニア ブラジルで生産

According to sources, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., one of the major domestic makers of wind power generation equipment, is going to build a windmill used for wind power generation in the U.S. early in 2011. On of the aims of this bid by Mitsubishi is to avoid trade friction between Japan and the U.S. in the circumstance that the U.S. GE has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Mitsubishi with a federal court in the U.S.

Until now, the basic policy of the company is to produce necessary equipment at home in order to prevent a high-quality technology from flowing outside the country.BUt it will have to be changed and they will expamd so-called local production for avoiding tade friction and enhancing cost performance.

Another bid by a domestic comapny is a move by Sinfonia Technology Co.,Ltd. of manufacturing compact wind power generation equipment in Brazil beginnig this year.

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