I have been in Tokyo and returned to Takamatsu now. I thought I was able to put my article somehow in Tokyo,but not. It was raining slightly in the morning today. It was not so bad, rather clamed me gently.
Top news of today's Nikkei was as follows:
日銀決定会合 5年ぶり転換
The Bank of Japan lifted its quantitative easening policy.
This is decided yesterday at the Bank of Japan's decesion-making meeting. This marks change of its policy for the first time in the past five years.Its zero-interest-rate policy will be kept for a while.
Also,The Bank of Japan announced that the range of price increses which it think is desirable is 0-2 % .
Top news of today's Nikkei was as follows:
日銀決定会合 5年ぶり転換
The Bank of Japan lifted its quantitative easening policy.
This is decided yesterday at the Bank of Japan's decesion-making meeting. This marks change of its policy for the first time in the past five years.Its zero-interest-rate policy will be kept for a while.
Also,The Bank of Japan announced that the range of price increses which it think is desirable is 0-2 % .