from recent news in Japan

2024年10月26日 08時09分24秒 | 翻訳・通訳
ロシア大統領は、 24日、ロシア中部のカザンでの記者会見で、北朝鮮からの派兵について聞かれて、それを否定しなかった

The Ukranian Defense Ministry announced on October 24 that the North Korean troops which had been trained in Russia already reached the Kursk region, a Russian border area to Ukraine, where Ukrainian forces have made incursion since this summer. Vladimir Putin was asked on the 24th about this at the press conference held in Kazan, a city in the central part of Russia, where the BRICS summit had been held for three days. At the time he did not decline the fact, saying things like that no matter whether it is true or not, it is our business, not other nation's business.  
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