from recent news in Japan

2024年10月31日 08時17分52秒 | 翻訳・通訳
東京高裁で 同性婚否定は「違憲」との判断が出た  「性指向によって法的に差別的な取り扱いをしている」との指摘である  同種の判決は控訴審では2件目である  ただし国への賠償請求は一審の東京地裁同様に、認めなかった

The same sex couple living in Tokyo and others sued the central government complaining that the present civil code rule is against the Constitution because it does not allow the same sex marriage and asking the government to pay for their damage. They once lost the case in their first trial at the Tokyo District Court, but they appealed the case to higher court. Regarding this legal issue, the Tokyo High Court gave a judicial decision yesterday that the present legal system is unconstitutional. The presiding judge Sonoe Taniguchi judged that the present civil rule goes against Paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Constitution guaranteeing equality of all under the law, saying that it treats people "in a legally discriminatory way based on their sexual orientation." But the compensation for the plaintiffs was denied as the same as in the district court.
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