from recent news in Japan

2024年10月30日 12時33分39秒 | 翻訳・通訳
東北電力で 女川原発を 再稼働した  東京電力の福島第一と同型炉で  「東日本」被災地で初
Yesterday on October 29, Tohoku Electricity Power Company began the operation of the Onagawa nuclear power plant, located in Ishinamaki city, Miyagi prefecture, 13 years and 7 months after its shutdown in 2011 because of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This is the first case that nuclear power plant has been resumed in the damaged areas by that earthquake. The reactor of the Onagawa nuclear power plant is the same type to that of the Tokyo Electricity Power's Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant.
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