from recent news in the world

2024年09月12日 07時35分50秒 | その他
初対決が実現 白熱の応酬が繰り広げられる 米大統領選挙 ハリス氏とトランプ氏のTV討論会
経済、中絶、外交などで 違いが鮮明になった   両者による討論会は初めてである
投票まで2カ月を切った選挙戦は支持率が互いに拮抗しており 接戦となっている

As the November US presidential election has been approaching, the debate on TV was held on Tuesday, US time, or Wednesday, Japan time, between Vice President Kamala Harris,59, from the Democratic Party and former President Donald Trump,78, from the Republican Party, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. That was the first time event between the two of them. Heated debates continued on a lot of themes like economy. As only less than two months is left before the election vote, the election race has become very close with the supporting rates being neck and neck. In that TV debates, the difference between the two sides has become clear on the subjects like economy, abortion, foreign policy and others.
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