my way of translation (3) 6/21

2022年06月21日 07時36分24秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To get excellent in a field:
When I saw a carpenter for shrines or temples appearing on a TV program, I was deeply moved. He seemed to be around 70 years old, and had long been working as a carpenter since his graduation from an elementary school. He was with a university professor in philosophy in the TV interview program. His talks at that time was so wonderful that the professor also was thrown into confusion.
According to his talk, "pursuing the key to carpenters" does not only mean you get to build a splendid architecture with a good skill of using a plane, but also you have to enhance your personality. Th person who get excellent in a field, that is, who has reached the essence of a thing, will get familiar with everything.

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