携帯クレジット ドコモ、みずほ銀と提携
クレディセゾン会員取り込み UCに18%出資
NTT DoCoMo will likely form an alliance with Mizuho banking group in order to launch a new credit service using cellular phone system.NTT DoCoMo also will take a stake of 18% of UC Card, and also want to offer its services directly to the members of Credit Saison.In a draft plan, NTT DoCoMo is also deliberating on an idea that it will serve as a banking agent.
携帯クレジット ドコモ、みずほ銀と提携
クレディセゾン会員取り込み UCに18%出資
NTT DoCoMo will likely form an alliance with Mizuho banking group in order to launch a new credit service using cellular phone system.NTT DoCoMo also will take a stake of 18% of UC Card, and also want to offer its services directly to the members of Credit Saison.In a draft plan, NTT DoCoMo is also deliberating on an idea that it will serve as a banking agent.