拙速な停戦合意が懸念されている そうした中 ゼレンスキー氏は 欧州首脳と連携
石破首相は ウクライナ関与の必要性を強調
February 24 marks the three years after Russia began its invasion into Ukraine. The US administration by Donald Trump had begun taking the initiatives of starting the ceasefire negotiations with Russia, but its attitude making Ukraine not involved into the procedure is giving a rippling effect in the world. A hasty and slipshod ceasefire is what is the least expected. The Ukranian President Volodymir Zelensky is going to take an action against this move in cooperation with the European leaders. Specifically, the conference dubbed " Kyiv Independent" was held in Kyiv on February 24. The leaders from European countries participated in it. Japan's Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba also attended it online. And he emphasized the importance that Ukraine should be involved in the ceasefire talks. We should watch carefully how this issue would develop from now on.
石破首相は ウクライナ関与の必要性を強調
February 24 marks the three years after Russia began its invasion into Ukraine. The US administration by Donald Trump had begun taking the initiatives of starting the ceasefire negotiations with Russia, but its attitude making Ukraine not involved into the procedure is giving a rippling effect in the world. A hasty and slipshod ceasefire is what is the least expected. The Ukranian President Volodymir Zelensky is going to take an action against this move in cooperation with the European leaders. Specifically, the conference dubbed " Kyiv Independent" was held in Kyiv on February 24. The leaders from European countries participated in it. Japan's Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba also attended it online. And he emphasized the importance that Ukraine should be involved in the ceasefire talks. We should watch carefully how this issue would develop from now on.