from today's Nikkei

2013年10月28日 18時20分42秒 | 新聞記事から
米データ通信会社買収 NTTコム 企業向けに回線 クラウド企業の買収も最終調整 投資額1000億円規模

It is recently learned that NTT Communicatons Corporation will take over a U.S. company named Barbara Technology Service (based in Colorado), which is specializing in data communications services for corporate users. The value of this deal is expected to be around \50. NTT Communications will likely form a framework for building networks used for a cloud service aimed at corporate clients in the world. Another target of takeover by the company is a cloud service company, with which it has entered into a final negotiation stage. If it is realized, the total value of the deals this time would likely come to nearly \100.
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