from the October 26 Nikkei

2013年10月28日 17時12分19秒 | 新聞記事から
洋上風力発電に優遇策 買い取り価格1.5~2倍 経産省が来年度 再生エネ 太陽光偏重を是正
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has a plan to raise the price in buying the power generated by wind on the sea in terms of renewable energy's fixed-price purchasing system, it is learned. The ministry intends next fiscal year to establish an exclusive price for the ocean wind power generayion, which is expected to be around \30 to \40 per kilowatt, or 1.5 to 2 times as much as that for the land wind power generation. At present, when it comes to renewable energies, main interest is biased toward the sunlight power generation. Under such circumstances, the ministry likes to make energy sources diversfied by promoting wind power generation nationwide.
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