東日本大震災 14年 遺留品47万点 持ち主不明 自治体 保管悩む 避難なお2万7615人
Yesterday Match 31 was the 14th anniversary of the East Japan Great Earthquake. It caused a great damage as the number of deaths including the earthquake-related one and missing people amounting to as much as 22,228. Even now there are many who have not returned to their hometown. The number of such people is 27,615 by the data from the police. Given such circumstances, it is learned that there are a lot of personal effects left behind in debris which are believed to have belonged to dead or missing people. They have amounted to as many as around 470 thousand. And related autonomies are worried about how to deal with them.
Yesterday Match 31 was the 14th anniversary of the East Japan Great Earthquake. It caused a great damage as the number of deaths including the earthquake-related one and missing people amounting to as much as 22,228. Even now there are many who have not returned to their hometown. The number of such people is 27,615 by the data from the police. Given such circumstances, it is learned that there are a lot of personal effects left behind in debris which are believed to have belonged to dead or missing people. They have amounted to as many as around 470 thousand. And related autonomies are worried about how to deal with them.