from recent news in Japan

2024年09月10日 06時19分07秒 | その他
長崎で、「黒い雨」による被爆について 初の認定が下る 地裁判決により  原告の一部に 被爆者手帳の交付を命じた

As many as 44 people, including 4 people already dead, who experienced the Nagasaki nuclear bombing in 1945 at the place out of the area that the central government defined and later used to determine government support for the victims, had filed the lawsuit against the Nagasaki prefectural and city governments seeking to ask them to issue the Atomic Bomb Survivor's Certificates, the ruling was handed down at the Nagasaki District Court on Monday. The presiding judge Shinsuke Matsunaga recognized that the black rain containing radioactive substances fell at the eastern part of Nagasaki city, admitted the 15 plaintiffs, including 2 already dead, are the bomb victims, and ordered the Atomic Bomb Survivor's Certificates should be issued to them. The remaining 29 people were in the area except the eastern part of the city and their complaints were dismissed.

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