from a recent news in the world

2024年09月09日 08時45分55秒 | 翻訳・通訳
日本製鉄のUSスチール買収計画 不可解な動きである  安全保障上の問題があるとする けれども買収策が実現しなければ、工場閉鎖や労働者の雇用打ち切りにもつながりかねない 

どうするアメリカ  決着は今秋の大統領選挙の後になるのではあるまいか(このパートは私の推測)

It is said that the US president Joe Biden would stop the buy-out plan of U.S. Steel by Nippon Steel because of economic security.
This policy is hard to understand, as this business deal is going to be done with a company in Japan, an ally with the USA. Nippon Steel Corporation announced its plan to buy U.S. Steel up for about ¥2 trillion last December.
But, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, the screening body in the US, examined the deal, and is reported that it is going to issue the recommendation they would not admit the deal, saying " There is a high possibility that would cause an inevitable national economic security concern." These kinds of recommendation have been issued so far mostly to Chinese companies, not to any Japanese company.
Given such conditions, the Biden administration is likely to ban this deal. But actually, if the deal is not concluded, U.S. Steel has to shut down some plants in the USA and cut down some parts of its workforce.

Final decision might be delayed after the presidential election in November in the US. That is my guess.
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