from today's Nikkei

2007年09月29日 10時55分11秒 | 新聞記事から
燃料電池 携帯向け 来年にも商品化 東芝・日立など 日米韓大手 国際規格を策定 CO2排出半減
Electrical appliance makers,such as Toshiba,Hitachi and Matsushita, are likely to launch on the market their fuel cells used for cellular phones or PCs, beginning from 2008.International standards for fuel cells used for IT equipment will be established within 2008 by major makers in the U.S.,Japan and South Korea to make its low-cost production posible with safety satndards and constituents unified. Using fuel cells in the IT equipment much more will be leading to the carbon dioxide emission reduction,probably nearly to half the prsent.
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