from today's Nikkei

2007年03月04日 11時58分58秒 | 新聞記事から
公共工事、グループで審査 持ち株会社 入札しやすく ゼネコン再編促す 国交省、基準見直し
The Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport will soon revise its standards for management assesment for contractors which want to participate in bidding for the public works projects,in order to urge the so-called general contractors to implement their realignments and mergers or acquisitions.Even if they go ahead with their realignment by,for example,local division under the holding company system,the ministry intends that they will not be influenced unfavorably only by the mamagement size-down.That means the management assessment will be done from the viewpoint of the contractor's group competence.
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