from today's Nikkei

2007年07月21日 16時04分12秒 | 新聞記事から
監査法人 監査役に選任権 不正会計防止 独立性を強化 法務省が会社法改正案 来年提出めざす
The Justice Ministry has decided that it will submit to a extraordinary Diet session next year in the earliest case a revised draft bill of the current so-called "corporate law" , in order to prevent companies from practicing illegal account settlements.One pillar idea of the revision is that the right to select and decide a account-adit firm to a company should be endowed to the company's auditors, shifting from the current way that the right is given to the board of directors.This is aimed at strengthening the independence of account auditing of the company.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月20日 09時30分46秒 | 新聞記事から
日ロ間貨物 シベリア鉄道で輸送 ロシア鉄道と三井物産提携 日数を4割短縮
Mitsui & Co. will begin the freight transportation service for Japanese companies,in cooperation with Russia Railways, by way of the Siberia railway connecting the far east region and west region of Russia.Serving as an agent for Russia Railways in this deal, Mitsui is engaged in delivering and collecting the freight to and from Japanese companies. Starting the service will reduce the days necessary for completing the transportation by 40 %,compared with the currently dominated ship service,to around 25 days,
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月19日 11時23分17秒 | 新聞記事から
柏崎刈羽 原発停止1年以上も 政府耐震など安全確認まで 東電、電力融通を要請
The government has decided on Wednesday to order TEPCO(Tokyo Electric Power Co.) to suspend the operation of its reactors at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa neclear plant,which was hit by the Niigata Prefecture Chuetstu Offshore Earthquake,until the time when the company comes to be able to assure the security of the plant including the earthquake-resistance.Given the current situation revealed,it is expected to take at least more than one year for it resumption.This will make TEPCO ask other electric companies to allot their electricity for meeting electricity demand in summer season ,which is always the highest during the year.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月18日 13時22分15秒 | 新聞記事から
MBO 公正実施へ指針 株買い付け期間 30日以上に 経産省 価格の不透明さ解消へ
It is learned that the Economy,Trade and Industry Ministry is now deliberating on making a gudeline so that MBO(management buy-out) is fairly practiced.Under the new guideline,the period of TOB(take-over bid) would be extended to more than 30 days for prompting the offered prices in such deals to be more appropriate.These measures are aimed at diminishing the vagueness(opaqueness) of the prices set in MOB deals.
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副詞編( 新聞記事から)

2007年07月17日 16時00分06秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
almost completely

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