from today's Nikkei

2007年07月04日 11時38分41秒 | 新聞記事から
久間防衛相が辞任 原爆発言で引責 後任に小池氏 安部政権に危機感 年金照合 首相、前倒し表明
Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma resigned Tuesday, taking responsibility of the comments he made in terms with the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the closing days of World War Ⅱ.Yuriko Koike,a national security adviser to the prime minister,was soon appointed as Kyuma's successor.This resignation surely will deal a heavy blow to the Abe administration,and among the members of the coallition parties sense of crisis has been spreading.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is to have a press conference on July 5 after the closing of the current Diet ordinary session, and there he likely will express his intension that premium record check will be finished earlier than the initial schedule.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月03日 09時17分03秒 | 新聞記事から
公益法人向け 寄付金優遇税制を拡充 企業の損金算入拡大 対象法人広げる
The government intends to expand its preferential tax measures for contributions to public-service corporations,such as corporate judicial persons,foundations,schools,and social welfare corporations.The area of expenses which could be deducted from a corporate's taxed income will be enlarged.The government also expands the number of corporations which could receive benefit from its tax preferential measures.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月02日 10時37分19秒 | 新聞記事から
景気粘り腰 内外需底堅く グローバル化が恩恵 資源高・市場急変リスクも 米の減速を新興国補う 高額消費に盛り返しも 政策対応の気は抜けず
Japan's economy has been steadily expanding. Although U.S. economy has been declining, Japan's exports has been stable with exports to developing and resources-rich countries picking up.This means in a sense Japan's economy has benefited from globalization,but on the other hand,always faces such risks as resources' price hikes and sudden market changes.The cuurent situation has no showy aspect, but a tough aspect.Nevertheless, authorities in charge of financial and economic affairs cannnot feel at home for a while in navigating economy.

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from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年07月02日 10時20分56秒 | 新聞記事から
定年の半数強企業が再雇用 団塊退職の影響緩和 06年度、トヨタ56%JFEなど7割 本社調査
It is learned that major companies in Japan reemployed more than half their mandatory retirement employeees in 2006,when the revised elderly people employment stability law stipulating that companies should employ their employees until the age of 65,was enacted,according to a survey conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun.Specifically, Toyota kept 56% of such workforce in its reemployment system,and others like JFE Steel Corporation kept about 70 % of it. Fear for labor force shortages caused by mass retirement of the baby-boomers will be alleviated through these measures.
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