from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年07月09日 09時42分05秒 | 新聞記事から
国民年金徴収 民間委託3年契約に 来月市場化テスト 2010年までに
全国で 政府相談業務も委託検討
The government is studying how to consign to a private sector's firm the operation of collecting the public pension premiums.Regardin tis issue, the government is going to implement the so-called " market test" or public service liberalization test,where The Social Insurance Agency and firms from the private sector will compete, in August.Consignment of the eperation is expected to be carried out nationwide by 2010, with the contract term 3 yeras.The government also studying how to consign to a private firm consultation operation in terms of public pension affairs.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月09日 09時20分20秒 | 新聞記事から
不当表示に団体訴訟制度 消費者保護へ公取委方針 被害拡大を防止 景表法 来年改正をめざす
The Fair Trade Commission has decided that it will introduce a system in which consumers' organizations are able to can call for a court's injunction on behalf of individual consumers against firms which has launched unjustifiable premiums or misleading reoeresentations.This is aimed at preventing consumers' damages caused by such firms' illegal labelings from incresing. The laws related to this issue are scheduled to be revised in the ordinary Diet session next year.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月07日 15時34分15秒 | 新聞記事から
東芝 原発事業 カザフと連携 対国営企業 米WH株10%譲渡 ウラン鉱石確保

Toshiba Corporation and U.S. Westinghouse Electric Company will make an alliance with a state-run corporation in Kazakhstan,which has the world' second largest uranium reserves.Specificlly, Toshiba will transfer its 10% stake of WH to the Kazakhstan's state-run corporation.Currently,Toshiba and WH are doing the business of supplying uranium-related fuels to nuclear power stations in the world.Kazakhstan' corporation will coperate with Toshiba and WH in supplying the uranium fuels.Given the fears that uranium will fall into shortage,securing uranium would be a key factor in nuclear power generation business.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月06日 09時33分59秒 | 新聞記事から
社会保障カード11年度めど 参院選責任ライン触れず 首相 与野党の「信頼性問う」
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office on Thursday after the closing of the ordinary Diet session, and announced the comprehensive measures that the government will implement in terms with the public pension problem.He clearly said that the government will solve all the problems during the time of his administration. Specifically, he referred to the idea of the so-called " the social security card( tentative name )," by which every personal information such as pension or health care information could be managed and also which is planned to be issued in around 2011.Facing the satrt of the House of Councilors election campaign,with regard to policy debates between the ruling and opposition parties,he said that he will question opposition parties on the credibility of their platforms whether their claims can have a confirm basis from the resources viewpoint.However,He did not refer to the responsibility seat line for the election results.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月05日 09時43分20秒 | 新聞記事から
年金加入履歴 来年10月まで全員通知 きょう首相表明 5000万件照合、年内にも 社会保障番号を本格検討
The government has decided that it will have finished checking the public pension premium payment records of 50 million cases where an eligible person could not be identified yet within the year. And also, it will inform all public pension subscribers of their premium payment histories by next October. It also starts deliberating on
full-fledgedly introducing "the social security number" so as to securely maintain and confirm records such as pension premium payment ones.
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