my way of translation 12/26

2022年12月26日 09時25分40秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To make a beautiful soul:

No matter how many assets you may build up, what a fame you my get, or how much you may be proud of your power controlling a lot of people, when you finish your life in this world, and pass away, you could not bring with you something in shape like your body.

But it doesn't mean everything will go nothing. Only the souls we have at the bottom of our hearts will remain as results of our lives and could be passed on to your next-coming lifves.

Therefore, the purpose of your life is to make a beautiful soul, and your life could be considered to be the certain time and place given to you in order for your soul to be brushed up.

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my way of translation 12/25

2022年12月25日 07時54分54秒 | 翻訳・通訳
How to go in a tough world:

There are much more tough things than pleasant things in our lives. There might be times you would have a grudge against God or Buddha thinking why only me have to have this kind of suffering.

But you should consider that kind of hardship to be a trial for your mind to be brushed up. A hardship is a trial, which is a good chance for improving your own personality.

The person who could take their hardship as an opportunity. It is that person that could live their limited lives as their own ones.

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my way of translation 12/24

2022年12月24日 07時15分06秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Is a hobby necessary?

There are some who say " Work is not the only thing in life. A hobby or entertainment is also necessary." But, in my opinion, that saying means that the person who could not devote himself into his main line of work is trying to find something pleasant in other fields like hobbies in place of his main job.

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my way of translation 12/23

2022年12月23日 08時04分23秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You should work harder than anybody else:

A president should work harder than anybody else in the company. If he goes home earlier than employees saying only" Go for it, let's do it," there's no way that the employees should do their jobs well.

The person with the top position should work the hardest in the organization to the extent that the people around him would give him a sympathy like " he is so poor." Without such conditions, people would not follow him.

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my way of translation 12/22

2022年12月22日 06時52分26秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To be faithful to one's own words:

In the world there is a virtue of " a man achieving something with saying nothing beforehand," but in my case, I make much of the principle of being faithful to my own words. It means I declare that I will do this myself and take that work really playing a key role.

By declaring so, I will get a kind of pressure from the people around me and also myself, which would not only encourage myself but also press myself to do things. All these things more likely make sure that you will reach your goal.

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