English Collection


soldiered on

2025年02月04日 | 英単語
伊坂幸太郎氏の小説 "Remote Control" を読んでいます。話の展開が遅く、現在と過去の話が度々変わるので分かり難い。今日もパート4,The Incidentからの引用です。

All sorts of people getting together outside on a warm evening and looking up at the sky. Everybody sighs and says how pretty they are, how exciting. And then they get up the next morning and go back to work, promising themselves they'll be sure to go again next year. That's what I love about this job." They stared wide-eyed at so much sentimental stuff. But he soldiered on. "And I'll tell you something else i like about it.

"soldier on" は "3/6/2018" に取り上げていますが、その時に引用しなかったVocabulary.comのsoldierの説明を紹介します。

In a war, soldiers are the people who do the fighting, on the ground, in planes, or from boats. Soldier is also a verb that means to serve in the military, or to continue on through difficult times.
What is an army without soldiers? It’s a bunch of guns on the ground. A soldier is the man or woman who fights for their government and carries the weapons, risking their life in the process. The word comes from the Latin solidus, which is the name of the gold coin used to pay soldiers who fought in the Roman army. To “soldier on” means to not give up even when life is tough, like soldiering on through difficult vocabulary.
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