English Collection


stomach lurched

2025年02月12日 | 英単語
伊坂幸太郎氏の小説 "Remote Control" を読んでいます。パート4,The Imcidentから引用します。

But maybe this stop meant no more than the earlier ones. Maybe Iwasaki would appear any second now and apologize for the delay. Maybe he had one package he absolutely had to deliver. The door rattled again and then flew open. Aoyagi's stomach lurched.
Light poured in from outside, and he strained to keep his eyes from squinting shut.

"stomach lurched" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: if your heart or stomach lurches, you have a sudden feeling of fear or excitement
・Vocabulary.com: To lurch is to suddenly move — usually forward. If you are on a ship that lurches a lot during a storm, you may find your body lurching in one direction and your stomach going in the opposite one.
The verb lurch can refer to any abrupt movement, but it often has the sense of a sharp turn up, down, or sideways. If you invest in the stock market, you have to be prepared for sudden losses and gains as the stock market can lurch up or down on a whim. The verb also means to make sudden jerking movements when walking, as if you cannot control your movements.

ちなみに、"lurch" を含んだ慣用句 "leave someone in the lurch" を小説 "Convenience Store Woman"(1/9/2024) からとKazuo Ishiguroの短編 "MALVERN HILLS" (3/5/2012)から取り上げました。
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