English Collection



2006年11月11日 | 英語学習

飲酒運転のことを DWI、"driving while intoxicated" と言うことを前に書きましたが、飲酒運転の面白いジョーク(実話?)を紹介します。

When the driver in front of my police car began weaving in and out of his lane, I quickly hit the sirens and pulled him over. As I approached his window, I was hit with the stench of alcohol.

“Sir,” I said, “can you tell me when you started drinking and how much you’ve had?”

“Well, Officer, I can’t tell you how much I’ve had,” he slurred. “But I started drinking in 1967.”


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chuckle vs. giggle

2006年11月11日 | 英語学習

RD(Asian Issue) September issueのHumourに関する特集記事の中に Chucklers are kind but introspective and gigglers are sexual and flirtatious. と言う記述がありました。


Chuckle -verb (used without object)
1. to laugh softly or amusedly, usually with satisfaction: They chuckled at the child's efforts to walk.
2. to laugh to oneself: to chuckle while reading.

Giggle -verb (used without object)
to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way, esp. with short, repeated gasps and titters, as from juvenile or ill-concealed amusement or nervous embarrassment.

確かに微妙な違いがあるようで、Chuckle は子供っぽく、Giggle の方は微妙な影を含んだ笑いのようですが、これを日本語で区別するとどうなるのでしょうか?

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