English Collection



2011年03月12日 | 英語学習
さて、Death of a Salesmanの会話にあった基本的な単語ですが、意味が分かりません。
WILLY: Yes, yes! Linda, Linda!
(LINDA enters as of old, with the wash.)
LINDA: Oh, you're back?
答えを知ってしまえば、ナーンダ、と言う簡単な単語ですが、"wash" は動詞しか頭に浮かばず、上記の "the wash" の意味がピンと来ません。 辞書を見ました。
・American Heritage Dictionary: A quantity of articles washed or intended for washing: The wash is on the back porch.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: all the clothes, sheets, etc. that are washed together, especially in a washing machine; Can I put this shirt in (with) the white wash?
"Where's my pink shirt?" "It's in the wash" (= being washed or in a pile of clothes that is going to be washed).
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