English Collection



2024年10月01日 | 英単語
Haruki Murakamiの小説 "South of the Border, West of the Sun" を読んでいます。

I stretched out my hand and laid it on top of her fingers on the back of the sofa. I hadn't touched her body for so very long, not since the flight back from Ishikawa. As my fingers grazes hers, she looked up at me briefly, then down again.
"South of the border, west of the sun," she said.

"graze" で知っている意味は牛などの草食動物が草を食べることですが、文脈からすると引用文では単に擦っているようです。辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: graze something to touch something lightly while passing it: The bullet grazed his cheek.
・Collins Dictionary: If something grazes another thing, it touches that thing lightly as it passes by.: A bullet had grazed his arm.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If an object grazes something, it touches its surface lightly when it passes it: The aircraft's landing gear grazed the treetops as it landed.

軽く擦るとの説明だが、用例は銃弾がかすめるなど傷を負わせるようなやや物騒です。小説での意味はもっと優しい触れ方ではないでしょうか?  日本語の原文を読んでいないので翻訳者が何故 "graze" をここで使ったのかは不明。

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